Social media, boosting, + surveying Leveraging social media to share your story with existing and new audiences. EdNC doesn’t have a dedicated staff person for social media and communications – instead, we’ve baked a responsibility for social media into everyone’s role. Describe how we send posts to all staff/board/etc.
Facebook Provide in-depth information to target audiences Emphasis on video content Reach your audience via events, Facebook live, Facebook groups Facebook allows you to provide more in-depth content to your audience and allows you to target new audiences who might be interested in your work. The targeting Facebook allows for is one of it’s biggest assets. Not only can you target location mile by mile, but you can select different job positions, interests, or even civic activities to target. Facebook’s algorithm loves video content. This also includes Facebook live, which is a great tool for sharing events you are hosting or for sharing the news about a new report. Facebook events and Facebook groups are other great ways to build brand awareness and engagement with your audience.
Instagram Emphasis on visual content Integrated with Facebook, allowing you to boost all at one time No links … Facebook owns Instagram, giving it the same great targeting functionality that Facebook offers. Instagram is a great place to share photos that reflect your work, as well as charts and graphs. However, links DON’T work in Instagram captions. The workaround is dropping the link on your bio page and then refencing that in the caption. This can be frustrating but makes Instagram a less spam-filled, more personal space to reach your audience and build brand awareness. It also lends a voice and image to your work beyond just the charts and graphs.
Setting up a Facebook business account Create a Facebook business account. Link your organization’s Facebook page to your business account. Link your organization’s ad account to your business account. Grant access to people on your team who will be using the business account. Link your organization’s Instagram account to your business account.
Boosting content on Facebook + Instagram Boosting has to have an objective – usually traffic (link clicks), but also lead generation for a newsletter, or video views Boosting can be CHEAP. We’ve put as little as $5 to $10 behind an article and seen it take off.
Twitter Consistent posts are key Hone your message into bite-sized chunks Use threads to tell a story Use tools like Tweetdeck or Hoostsuite to schedule tweets in advance. Individual authors with individual Twitter presence can spread your content even farther. Threads allow you to tell a longer story.
Boosting content on Twitter Less ability to target audiences. Less user friendly. More expensive per click. Effective for follower growth, but some spam followers can be expected.
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EducationNC Analisa Sorrells