Reviewing Features in Word How to Workshop Effectively
How To Use the Reviewing Features in Word The reviewing features in Microsoft Word allow us to make comments on each other's papers. In order to make those comments efficiently you must learn how to use the Track Changes feature (also called Reviewing) in Microsoft Word.
Save the Document to be Reviewed In our class we "stack" our comments on one document, so if a student has already peer reviewed the paper you are about to read, open the peer reviewed version rather than the original version. Right-click on their attachment and drag down to "Save Target As."
Make sure to save Save the document with a name you will remember. (Make sure you save the document again after you are finished with your comments or they will not show up.)
Attach Your Name to the Document Go to “Tools” and pull down to “Options.” Choose “User Information.” Fill in the three spaces with correct information. (For “Address” give your email address.)
Review the Document Go to “View” and pull down to “Toolbars” and choose “Reviewing.” On the Reviewing toolbar make sure to click on the “Track Changes” icon. This must remain on the entire time you are reviewing. To make a minor change, highlight the text you wish to change and type over it. To add a longer comment, highlight the text you will comment on and click on the yellow post-it note icon.
Post Document to myASU Hit "reply" to the myASU post where you first got the document. Check the "Reply" box. In the text write a brief comment to the author. First, make sure you have saved your changes. Choose "Browse" on the attachment line. Find your document and attach it to your message. Hit "Submit."
Peer Review Considerations Read and comment on your peer paper. Please focus on content and organization over grammar and spelling. Focus on the ideas within the paper rather than on the sentence structure and word choice.
Peer Review Tips The more specific and concrete your response is, the more helpful it will be. Your job is not to evaluate, it is to respond and suggest improvements. Be an attentive, honest, supportive reader. Give key points of paper as you see them. Give honest opinions about what you like and dislike.