The Crucible Final Essay
Step I: Unlocking the Prompt Prompt: After having read The Crucible by Arthur Miller, how does the author use characterization to illustrate a central idea that leads to a specific theme in the play? What do you need to do? characterization central idea theme
Step 2: Getting Started Central ideas are general topics that writers use when they write. Some central ideas in The Crucible are. . . helplessness mob mentality fear honor honesty misuse of power cowardice evil self-conflict morality sacrifice selfishness Choose a central idea that matches what you believe is the message Miller is trying to convey to you.
Step 3: Characterization In order to address the characterization part of the prompt, you need to choose characters to study. Choose two of the following characters who illustrate the theme idea you chose from Step 2: John Proctor Abigail Williams Rev. Hale Elizabeth Proctor Mary Warren Rev. Parris Judge Hathorne Judge Danforth Giles Corey Rebecca Nurse
Step 4: Gather Evidence For the 2 characters you chose, find 2-3 instances where each exhibited the central idea you have chosen. Copy the passage directly from text and note the page number. For each piece of evidence you have, provide an explanation as to how that quote explains the central idea you have chosen. Check your characterization review charts—the chart should help you with this part of the assignment.
Step 5: Theme Looking at the central idea, the characters you have chosen, and the evidence you found, what lesson or moral do you think the author is trying to teach you? Write this as a statement: Despite the consequences, it is best to be honest. People who misuse power suffer severe consequences. Remember, no you’s or I’s or cliches.
Step 6: Thesis Statement Fill in the blanks: Using ____________ and _______________, Arthur Miller illustrates the idea of __________ and conveys the theme that _________________. Character 1 Character 2 Central idea Theme statement
Writing the essay
The Introduction Needs. . . A hook to introduce the author and work of literature Mention both the title and author of the work of literature in this sentence. Background information about the work of literature particular to your topic. Don’t summarize the entire play. Focus on the roles the characters that you will write about have in the play. Thesis statement Copy this from your notes.
Body 1 Topic Sentence Clarifying sentence / transition to first main point Transition, Claim #1 (after the comma) Lead in, “quotation” (page). Analysis: explain how the quotation proves your claim Transition, Claim #2 (after the comma) Transition, Claim #3 (after the comma) Transition, concluding statement. #1 #2 #3
Body 2 Topic Sentence Clarifying sentence / transition to first main point Transition, Claim #1 (after the comma) Lead in, “quotation” (page). Analysis: explain how the quotation proves your claim Transition, Claim #2 (after the comma) Transition, Claim #3 (after the comma) Transition, concluding statement. #1 #2 #3
A Conclusion Needs. . . A restatement of the topic of the essay Use different words Summarize the main points you made in your essay A discussion of the significance of the thesis How does what you have just written support the theme you chose? What is the “so what” that makes this theme so important. Hint: tie the theme to today’s world.
Works Cited Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes, Prentice Hall, 1999, pp. 1089–1167.