Hubris = excessive pride or self-confidence. How accurate is it to say the TV media determined the way that most Americans understood events, both domestic and foreign, after 1950? It’s a question, so it needs a ? underlined LOs: 1. To identify the impact of TV media on popular culture during the late 1960s and 70s 2. To explain the way in which broadcast media shaped American views of both foreign and domestic politics Hubris = excessive pride or self-confidence.
Task one: 1970s disaster? A decline of confidence and collapse of hubris. Look at the spider diagram on the hand out. Add examples to each domestic and foreign problems during the 1970s. Challenge: Which was the greatest problem for America and why? Use the word ‘hubris’ in your answer.
What changed during the 1970s?
Relationships with presidents
HW: Answer the following: How did TV ownership change? Give figures. (p.83) What was the impact of the increase in channels and TV shows? (p.84) Create a spider diagram to describe how the 1967 PBA influenced changes in popular culture? (p.85) How did broadcast news shape opinions towards foreign affairs after 1965? (p.85) What was the media’s role in damaging the reputation of (and holding to account) the presidents? Challenge: Look at the reverse side of the first hand out, and the speech bubbles at the top. What was the media’s role in the decline of confidence in America, at home and abroad?