The Journey to Public Trust


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Presentation transcript:

The Journey to Public Trust Results Workshop March 20th, 2019

Articulating the Public Trust Pathway The Common Goal: To demonstrate to Canadians and our food/ingredient customers that Canada’s food system is a system they can trust to deliver healthy, safe, affordable food in a way that reflects short- and long-term sustainability and global competitiveness. The Desired Outcome: A Canadian public that trusts the food they eat… and the processes and practices the agri-food industry follows to produce it. This morning is about knowledge, experience and tools to get us to where we need to be. This afternoon is about how we get there together.

Action 1: Public trust issues identification Sharing knowledge - issues Identification of current and expected public trust issues from industry viewpoint – over 170 on-line survey responses Inventory of publicly accessible research on consumers’ and influencers’ issues and expectation Presentation by the Centre for Food Integrity Analysis of social media on two main aspects of food: how food is produced (production and processing) and content of food (antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, nutritional quality) Presentation by Advanced Symbolics

Action 2: Public Trust issues management Sharing experience - issues management Types of management approaches to public trust issues – what works and what does/might not Industry experience, plus extraction and documentation of best practices through literature review Case studies on best practices Presentation by Ellen Goddard

Action 3: Public Trust communications Accessing knowledge - communications Types of approaches to public trust communications – what works and what does/might not Documentations of best practices from media experts: conventional and social media Public trust communications success stories Presentation by 6P Marketing

Action 4: Public Trust communications Toolkit Toolkit for planning and executing public trust communications Overall public trust communications approach: what is needed, where to start Public Trust Communications Plan template Social Media Strategic Plan Template Messaging Matrix template to summarize all key Public Trust messages How to measure Public trust – sample research questions Demonstration of one of the tools by 6P Marketing

Action 5: Measurement of Public Trust performance Measuring progress Common metrics and report cards that are currently being used Options and recommendations for performance measurement suitable for the agriculture and food industry in Canada National measurables and evaluation tools for commodity level and overall sector performance in public trust Presentation of evaluation tool by Groupe Agéco

Action 6: Next steps in Public Trust Working within and across the supply chains How we could best use the information and tools effectively Need for and mechanisms for coordination Governance and funding Food system harmony Introductory presentation by Kim McConnell, leading to facilitated discussion

The Canadian Journey to Social License / Public Trust The Canadian Food System’s Journey to Public Trust Contact information: