Fitness Leading to Resilience and Readiness State of being healthy Ability to fulfill a certain task or role State of adaptation in balance with the conditions at hand (Mullen, 2010) Resilience: The ability to withstand, recover, grow, and adapt under challenging circumstances (CJCSI 3405.02 definition) A Marine who is prepared to successfully operate in and respond to the rigors, demands, and stressors of both combat and garrison (USMC working definition) Fitness Resilience Readiness Per CJCSI 3405.02, Appendix F to Enclosure A, Paragraph 2: Resilience -- ability to withstand, recover, grow, and adapt under challenging Circumstances The Marine Corps working definition for resiliency came from the MTF working group. The COSC (MCRP 6-11c) definition of resilience is as follows: The process of preparing for, recovering from, and adjusting to life in the face of stress, adversity, trauma, or tragedy. Readiness: The ability of military forces to fight and meet the demands of assigned missions (JP 1-02)