Lesson 6 Learning Intentions


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Lesson 6 Learning Intentions Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 6 of 6 Lesson 6 Learning Intentions By the end of this lesson… I will develop at least two new skills to carry out an action which address the root causes of plastic waste in our school community. I will assist my group by using a new facilitation role and consensus to make decisions within the timeframe given. I will reflect on my contribution to the project and analyse what went well and areas I can improve.

Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 6 of 6 Aim: One person in each group takes 1 role each on a rotating basis each week, if groups are smaller than 5 then student(s) volunteer to take an extra role (optional) Source: adapted from https://www.seedsforchange.org.uk/

Image credit: Newpark Comprehensive School, Dublin Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 5+6 of 6 Group 1. Research: Take a look at good practice in other schools to help and inspire you. In 2018, Newpark Comprehensive School, Dublin became the first school in Ireland to bring in a school policy on single use plastic. You will need to work together with Group 4 (Survey) IDEAS / TIPS! Group 1 Research View the policy on their website: Video by Newpark student: www.newparkschool.ie How we make change happen | Dan Hatter | TEDxDunLaoghaire Image credit: Newpark Comprehensive School, Dublin

Image credit: Kate Minnock, NWETSS Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 5+6 of 6 Group 2 Art: Idea 1. Work with the art class to create a Plastic-Free catchy name and logo as homework / art competition Group 2 Art: Idea 2. School logo as recycled mural- here is example of the NWETSS logo recreated using recycled materials which students collected from their local recycling centre. More info here: http://sustainabilitynwetss.weebly.com/school-mural.html Group 2 Art: Idea 3. Facilitate peer education art upcycling workshop (in your school or local primary school). For example, tetra-pak wallets, cardboard windmills IDEAS / TIPS! Group 2 Art Image credit: Kate Minnock, NWETSS

Image credit: ‘Surfers against Sewage’ Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 5+6 of 6 IDEAS / TIPS! Group 3 Presentations Group 3 Presentations: Idea 1. A UK based environmental charity called ‘Surfers against Sewage’ have created free resources for anyone to use called ‘Plastic Free Schools’ Click on their website for their full programme. Scroll to ‘Step 4’ for free presentations you can use/adapt for your whole school assembly presentation. https://www.sas.org.uk/plastic-free-schools/ Image credit: ‘Surfers against Sewage’

Image credit: Kate Minnock, NWETSS, 2019 Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 5+6 of 6 IDEAS / TIPS! Group 3 Presentations Group 3 Presentations: Idea 2. After your whole school assembly presentation could you do some of the activities from lesson 2 with other classes / year groups, such as: Recycling Race Set up a table with the visual prompts Or create new activities…. -plastic bingo -brainstorm more ideas as a group…… Image credit: Kate Minnock, NWETSS, 2019

Image credit: Voice / EPA Ireland Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 5+6 of 6 IDEAS / TIPS! Group 4 Survey Group 4 Survey: Idea 1. From Group 1’s audit make a list of the ‘top plastic offenders’ and create a school pledge for students to sign up to. See example of one here from VOICE / EPA Ireland. Image credit: Voice / EPA Ireland

Image credit: adapted from Green Schools Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 5+6 of 6 IDEAS / TIPS! Group 4 Survey Bin Audit example for you to adapt: Material School Total(kg) per day School Total (kg) per week (x5 days) School Total (kg) per year (x38 weeks) % White Paper   Coloured Paper Cardboard Plastic Metal Glass (if used) Food Waste Other Total Group 4 Survey: Idea 2. Parent Survey: Plastic-free See a sample parent survey here from Newpark Comprehensive School: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/plastic-outta-the-park Idea 3: Data presentation Carry out a waste-audit and represent your findings using charts and graphs. Templates available from ‘Green Schools’ or ‘Surfers against Sewage’ click on their website and scroll to ‘Plastic Persuasion’ and adapt if useful. https://www.sas.org.uk/plastic-free-schools/ Could you ask your Maths teacher to do this in class time? Image credit: adapted from Green Schools

Image credit: Susan Adams www.susanadams.ie Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 5+6 of 6 Survey for Students *Single use plastics are plastic materials that are disposable and used only once before they are thrown out eg. plastic water bottles    1. How often do you use single-use plastic bottles in school?       Never                              Almost Never          1-2 times a week          3-4 times a week           Everyday              2. Do you own a reusable water bottle?       Yes                              No                          If no; why? ______________________________________________  3. Do you think that single-use plastics have an impact on the environment?      Yes                                  No                   Not 4. Do you think more education is needed in Ireland on the use of plastics?      Yes                                  No                              Not sure                   5. Do you think it is important to reduce the plastic usage in Ireland?                                      Yes                                   No                                Not sure                   6. Would you be willing to get rid of single-use plastics in your school life?     a) Yes                   b) I would try            c) I couldn’t                d) I’m not interested/wouldn’t want to            If answered c) or d) , why? ______________________________________  ____________________________________________________________  Thank you for taking our survey  IDEAS / TIPS! Group 4 Survey Group 4 Survey: Idea 3. Student Survey: Plastic-free Can you use this survey and create an online survey to complete with students during assembly after Group 3 give their presentation? b. Can you use this data and represent your findings using charts and graphs? You could ask your Maths teacher to do this in class time. Image credit: Susan Adams www.susanadams.ie

Image credit: Kate Minnock, NWETSS Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 5+6 of 6 IDEAS / TIPS! Group 4 + 5 Survey + Canteen Here are some sample letters students wrote to the school canteen and parents which you can adapt for you own school. Template provided also in next slide! Image credit: Kate Minnock, NWETSS

Letter template IDEAS / TIPS! Group 4 + 5 Survey + Canteen Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 5+6 of 6 Letter template IDEAS / TIPS! Group 4 + 5 Survey + Canteen Taking Action - Campaign Letter & Email writing 1.Google / YouTube Howcast - How to Write a Formal Letter https://www.google.ie/search?q=how+to+write+a+formal+letter&rlz=1C1CHBF_enIE729IE729&oq=how+to+write+a+formal+letter&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.6426j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=1

Group 6 Media: Idea 1. Press Release for newspaper 1.WikiHow Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 5+6 of 6 Printed Media Press Release guide IDEAS / TIPS! Group 6 Media Group 6 Media: Idea 1. Press Release for newspaper 1.WikiHow https://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Press-Release-%28for-School-Students%29 2. Young Friends of the Earth also have a template here: https://www.youngfoe.ie/download/pdf/press_release_template_copy.pdf

Image credit: Kate Minnock, NWETSS Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 5+6 of 6 More… IDEAS / TIPS! For more ideas see this website created by NWETSS students on a range of sustainability themes: http://sustainabilitynwetss.weebly.com or this website on the theme ‘Life Below Water’: https://nwetsslifebelowwater.weebly.com/ Image credit: Kate Minnock, NWETSS

Resources Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 5+6 of 6 Surfers against Sewage, Plastic-Free school resources - https://www.sas.org.uk/plastic-free-schools/ Educate Together Ethical Education / Sustainability- https://learning.educatetogether.ie/course/view.php?id=26#section-13 VOICE / EPA: No Home for Plastic - https://voiceireland.org/project-work/no-home-for-plastic.php VOICE, Recycling Ambassador Programme - https://voiceireland.org/rap/#what-is-it EcoUnesco Action projects - https://issuu.com/ecounesco/docs/youth_for_the_future_resource/80 Clean Coasts, An Tasice - http://cleancoasts.org/marine-litter/ Green Schools, An Tasice - https://greenschoolsireland.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Plastic-Free-Resource.pdf SDG Unesco, Worlds Largest Lesson - http://worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/global-goals/responsible-consumption/ WWGS - http://www.worldwiseschools.ie/ Repak, recycling factsheet - http://repak.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Repak_Factsheet.pdf

Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 6 of 6 Reflection Activity