Workshop on Governance of Statistical Systems Mexico’s National Statistical and Geographical Information System (SNIEG) Workshop on Governance of Statistical Systems October 19th, 2010
The constitutional reform Democratic Planning System for National Development National Statistical and Geographical Information System (SNIEG) Institute with technical and managerial autonomy Board of Governors: 5 members appointed by the President, ratified by the Senate
Institutional architecture Central Bank (BANXICO) Federal Elections Institute (IFE National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH) Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) Federal State Municipal Congress Judicial Council Supreme Court Executive Legislative Judiciary Agriculture Treasury Social Development
INEGI as autonomous entity Other autonomous entities. the Central Bank (BANXICO), the Federal Elections Institute (IFE) and the National Commission for Human Rights (CNDH). Principles: Access to information, transparency, objectivity and independence. Benefits: good quality, relevant, reliable and timely: Provides facts for decision making; Supports the design, follow-up and evaluation of public policies; Civil society can evaluate government’s performance.
INEGI’s Challenges: autonomy To maintain the trust of different users. To strengthen the generation processes through sound statistical methods, transparent and validated information. To establish permanent processes to assess the quality of products and services and to identify gaps and major improvements required. To guarantee the confidentiality.
National Subsystems of Information CTE Tourism CTE Agriculture CTE Trade CTE Science &tech CTE Directory of Economic Units CTE National Accounts Communications Infrastructures Transport CTE Communications CTE Energy CTE Geography CTE Vegetation CTE Water CTE Climate Change CTE Emissions & Wastes CTE Cadastre CTE Social Development CTE Employment CTE Population & Demographic trends CTE Housing CTE Health CTE Education CTE Millenium Development Goals CTE Government CTE Justice CTE Justice Procurement CTE Public Security CESNI Economics CESNI Geographical & Environmental CESNI Social & Demographics CESNI Justice
National Subsystem of Demographical and Social Information: Executive Committee SNIDS CTE Social Development CTE Employment CTE Population & Demographic trends CTE Housing CTE Health CTE Education CTE Millenium Development Goals
Comité Ejecutivo SNIGMA National Subsystem Geographical and Environemental Information: Comité Ejecutivo SNIGMA CTE Energy CTE Geography CTE Vegetation CTE Water CTE Climate Change CTE Emissions & Wastes CTE Cadastre
SNIEG’ s Challenges To guarantee information’s integrity, independence and objectivity To meet our users needs To enhance sound statistical methodologies To assure quality To optimize burden on informers To improve resource allocation