Kindergarten News Homework: A Peek of the Week: Supplies Needed: September 30- October 4 Ms. Blocher Ms. Cook Mrs. Ivey Mrs. Taylor Homework: A Peek of the Week: Initial on line each night. Mon. _____ Read a book at home with an adult. Tues. _____Tell an adult the sounds for letters (a, b, c, f, g, I, m, n, o, t, and u). Wed. _____ No homework Thur. _____ Practice writing the lowercase letters listed under Tuesdays homework. Fri. ______ Have a great weekend! Changing seasons Introducing letter/sound Aa and Gg Parts of a book Story Comprehension Rhyming Syllables Counting to 10 forwards & backwards Supplies Needed: Blocher: baby wipes Ivey: small treasure box treats/toys Cook: We are good, thanks! Taylor: large bag Skittles and/or M&Ms Helpful Hints: Upcoming Dates: 10-1 Kindergarten Parent/Teacher Conferences 10-11 K Basket Donations Due 10-14 &10-15 Fall Break NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS 10-17 Fall Festival 5:00 10-25 Box Tops Due Our school is a Title I school! Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. An important part of our success is parent participation and support to improve student achievement. Check with your child’s teacher or our Family Liaison, Jennifer Cooley, if you are looking for ways to get more involved this year!