Service User ‘Passport’ Working Group The Farndon Unit Presented by Dr Rachel Haughton & Leigh Johnson
The Brief: For a working group to create a template and example of a Service User ‘Passport’ For it to provide information you wanted to share about yourself to your new team when you move/make the transition from one service to another, or into the community. For it to be personal and focus on your strengths, goals and interests – it could also include any areas that still present difficulty or identify skills that you would like to learn or feel less confident in.
The Process: Introduced within the hospitals Recovery and Outcomes Group. Input from Sue Denison (Expert by Experience) Range of service users from across the hospital involved, at differing stages of their journey, and members of the Psychology and Occupational Therapy teams. Met for 8 weeks to identify expectations about the project, share ideas, experiences of moving and what the barriers can be to completing and using similar tools and making decisions together.
There was a lot of voting….
Key ideas and consistent themes : Ownership The Crucial First Few Days Cues Rather than Questions Keep it Brief Clear Language – Not Jargon Keep it Positive The Name ‘Passport’ Didn’t Work
The next stage …. Thank you for listening. …. Any questions ?