Team Genesi-Tesar Mrs. Genesi and Mr.Tesar 2019-2020 Class Syllabus Meet Your Teachers >>>>>>>> All About Our Team >>>>>>>> Mrs. Genesi English/Language Arts Mr. T Mathematics/ Science/ Social Studies We are one class with two teachers. Students are assigned to a classroom roster, and the teacher of the roster is considered the student's homeroom teacher. The homeroom teacher is the teacher of record. They are responsible for taking attendance, making note of any transportation changes, collecting permission slips, etc. Because we are one large class, students may be regrouped based on learning needs periodically throughout the school year. This means a student may not always rotate with their homeroom classmates but with other students within Team Genesi/Tesar. Please send any questions, comments, or concerns regarding a specific subject area to the appropriate teacher: Mrs. Genesi: English Language Arts Mr. T: Mathematics, Science and Social Studies Checkout the BLOG >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Behavior Management AIM HIGH Card >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Students will have a weekly point sheet to track their conduct and work study habits. Students will start each week with 5 letters. Their goal is to maintain all five letters for the entire week. Students can lose letters in the following ways: Being unprepared for class (UN): This includes both assignments and materials. Failing to turn in an assignment (MA): This includes both classwork and homework. Exhibiting off task or unfocused behavior (OT). This includes talking or blurting out during instructional time as well as making poor choices in the common areas (hallways, cafeteria, bathroom, and learning commons). Being disrespectful (DR): This includes both words and actions. Teacher discretion (TD). This includes anything not mentioned above that the teacher feels warrants the loss of a letter. Consequences: Students may loose 2 letters a week with not in-class consequences. 3 letters lost in a week- The student will lose 5 minutes off recess. 4 letters lost in a week - The student will be required to complete a reflection assignment about their behavior. This reflection must be signed by a parent. 5 letters lost in a week – The teacher will contact parents to discuss the student’s behavior. Please note, based on Cobb County policies certain behaviors/actions will result in an automatic administration contact. Teachers will use the AIM HIGH card in determining the student's report card conduct and work study grades.
>>>>>>>> Late Work Policy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Absence Policy >>>>>>>> If a student does not turn in an assignment on the given due date, the following procedure will be followed: The student will loose a letter off their AIM HIGH Card. The teacher will enter a 0 in the gradebook and mark the assignment as missing. The student will have no more than 5 school days to turn in the assignment. If, after the 5 day grace period, the assignment has not been turned in, the student will receive a 50% in the gradebook for the missing assignment. If the student turns the assignment in within the 5 day grace period, the teacher will grade the assignment and replace the 0 with the grade earned; however, the assignment will be marked as LATE. Fifth grade is a critical year. As teachers, we value our instructional time. We understand that absences will occur throughout the year; however, we encourage you to take into account your child's academic schedule when making appointments that interfere with the school day. Instruction moves at a fast pace in fifth grade and is often not worksheet based. As a result, reteaching a lesson for an absent student is not always an option. Therefore, should a student miss a day of school or a particular class, it is the student's responsibility to use the provided classroom resources (Blog, Seesaw, etc.) and their morning time before the 7:50 bell to catch up on missed instruction. If a student misses a class for any reason the following procedure will be followed: The student is responsible for checking with their teacher and collecting any make-up work/instruction. For each day absent, the student will have 2 days to make up all missed work (For example: If a student is absent for 2 days, their make-up work will be due 4 schools after they return). No Name Policy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Students are expected to put their first and last name on all assignments. Students will be responsible for claiming their unnamed work. If work goes unclaimed, it will be counted as missing/late. ParentVUE Policy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Students and parents are expected to check their grades weekly, as the teachers are constantly updating the online gradebook. This allows for students to keep up with their progress in class and eliminates any surprise grades for parents. Please be aware that ParentVUE is the first line of communication for missing work. Please contact the subject-specific teacher with any questions, comments, or concerns regarding grades.
>>>>>>>> The agenda is the main source of communication with parents. Students are expected to fill out their agenda daily with any homework assignments and/or upcoming due dates. It is the student's responsibility to look over their agenda each night with a parent or guardian. Parent signatures will NOT be required unless a student's work and study habits are not meeting 5th grade standards. However, parents are expected to sign the AIM HIGH Scorecard at the end of each week. Communication >>>>>>>> All parent-teacher-student communication will occur on one or more of the follow: Blogs - Be sure to check the blog on a weekly basis. Email – We will use email as our first line of communication with parents. We encourage you to email us whenever you have questions, comments, or concerns. Remind – We send Remind texts out when we have quick reminders. This is a great way to stay connected to the day-to-day goings on in Team Genesi-Tesar ParentVUE - As stated on the previous page, this is our main form of communication for missing or incomplete assignments. Student Agenda >>>>>>>>> The 5th Grade Awards are given out at the end of the year. Certain awards focus on student academics. Below is the criteria that must be met in order for a student to receive each academic award. Presidential Award 85th percentile in total Math or total Reading on the IOWA and all A’s. Superior Academic Achievement All A's and satisfactory conduct Outstanding Academic Achievement All A's and B's and satisfactory conduct Academic Awards >>>>>>>>> Frey’s Big Three >>>>>>>>> Do your best. Be kind. Make good choices. Bathroom Procedures Safe Silent Sanitary Lunchroom Table Talk Stay Seated The Bus Bs Be Safe Be Seated Be Respectful Be Peaceful