Coordination: Nicolas Hoepffner (JRC) Scientific programming:


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Presentation transcript:

An introduction to the EMIS-R Marine Analyst to assist in the management of European seas Coordination: Nicolas Hoepffner (JRC) Scientific programming: Pascal Derycke (JRC)

Environmental Marine Information System EMIS is a Web geoportal providing easy access to spatial-temporal marine information and environmental indicators.

Spatial-temporal Marine database The bulk of information and analysis delivered by EMIS relies mainly on: Satellite derived products Numerical models data Environmental marine indicators + Marine maps NetCDF XML Spatial-temporal Marine database

Temporal resolution Monthly & weekly composites Coverage: European seas and global ocean Spatial resolution 2km, 4km, 9Km Marine maps & indicators Chl-a, SST, anomalies, … Latitude Time Equirectangular projection (lat/lon) CRS:EPSG:4326 a standard for global raster datasets Longitude

Select a Marine Protected Area EMIS-R Marine Analyst An easy to use tool* for data extraction and analyses delivering a report on a selected marine area as MPAs Define a bounding box Lat/Lon Select a Marine Protected Area MPA Upload a shapefile * R-package

EmodNET bathymetry V1.2 Oct. 2016

EUNIS & GSGFM Seabed habitats (F. Costa Tempera) [Publication JRC95611]

Sea surface temperature (SST in degree-C): Sea surface temperature is the temperature of the water close to the sea surface. SST is a standard product from satellite-based thermal infra-red sensors, and optical sensors complemented with infrared bands.

Algal biomass (chlorophyll concentration, Chla in mg Algal biomass (chlorophyll concentration, Chla in mg.m-3): Chlorophyll is a photosynthetic pigment commonly present in all phytoplankton species. It is used as a proxy for phytoplankton biomass.

Chlorophyll concentration is a standard product from satellite-based optical sensors, usually retrieved from empirical algorithms using reflectance ratios at two or more wavebands.

Vantrepotte, V. Melin, F. Temporal variability of 10-year global SeaWiFS time-series of phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration ICES J. Mar. Sci., 2009, 66, 1547-1556

Seasonal decomposition + stat data   Monthly composite Monthly anomalies Average Monthly climatology Boxplot Seasonal decomposition + stat data SST o Chl-a Kd490 SST gradients Chl-a gradients DEPMX MSIGN TBOT SBOT TMX BFT500 feeding BTT25 feeding BFT spawning Bathymetry (EMODnet V1.2) Seabed habitats (combining EUNIS and GSGFM) Alien species richness (EASIN European Alien Species Information Network)

Support to MSFD descriptors / indicators (as listed in EU 2010) EMIS products Marine Information Support to MSFD descriptors / indicators (as listed in EU 2010) Chlorophyll-a Proxy for phytoplankton biomass D1 / 1.6.2; 1.7.1 D4 / 4.3.1 D5 / 5.2.1 Diffuse attenuation Coefficient (490 nm) Proxy for water transparency D1 / 1.6.3 D5 / 5.2.2 Productive layer Extent of the euphotic (sunlight) zone Bathymetry Water depth, seabed topography D7 / 7.2.2 Mixed layer depth Water column mixing characteristics Maximum density gradient Physically sensitive Area index (PSA) Vulnerability to eutrophication D5 monitoring OXYRISK Oxygen depletion risk index D5 / 5.3.2 monitoring Water temperature (SST and bottom temperature Hydrographical conditions Bottom salinity Seabed habitat Extent and proportion of benthic habitats D1 / 1.4.1; 1.4.2; 1.5.1; 1.5.2; 1.7.1 D6 / 6.1.1; 6.1.2 Spawning habitat (bluefin tuna) Extent of potential spawning habitat D1 / 1.5.1 D3 / 3.2.1 monitoring Feeding habitat (bluefin & skipjack tuna, hake, fin whale) Extent of potential feeding habitat

Time - Web Coverage Service (WCS-t),-51,61,41 &format=image/tiff&interpolation=nearest Latitude Time Remote raster data access Interoperability « download » INSPIRE OGC Web service (ISO 19115) Remote processing Longitude

EMIS-R Marine Analyst is important in order to conduct water quality assessment and resource monitoring in the coastal and marine waters. is a scientific tool to support the implementation of water policies e.g. the Marine Strategy Framework Directive ref: Marine Competence Centre – EU demonstrates all the potential of INSPIRE OGC Web services. More datasets and INSPIRE Web services are available at the JRC data catalogue and EU Open Data portal:

{ { EMIS marine geoportal Marine Analyst R-tool box: EMIS-R Marine Competence Centre (MSFD) Biodiversity & Ecosystems Services EMIS marine geoportal interoperability view Discovery tool GIS viewer Marine maps platform Web services: Fast Data access (GIS viewer, http download, WMS, WCS , metadata) WMS (map display) WCS (source data access for remote processing) CSW (metadata catalogue) Navigation , exploration, basic statistic funtionnalities interoperability R-tool: EMIS-R (Data extraction and analyse) MPA analyst tool) (Environmental state, monitoring and reporting) view Marine Analyst access statistics R-tool box: EMIS-R (Extraction and analyse) Marine geodata INSPIRE metadata & services monitoring Marine geodata assessment Spatial-temporal marine datasets Marine features & maps Policy assessment units and MPAs analyst tool (Environmental state Monitoring & reporting) INSPIRE ISO 19115