Virginie Hart, GEF LME:LEARN


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Presentation transcript:

Virginie Hart, GEF LME:LEARN Developing future framework for LME reporting towards enhancing SAP contributions to SDG monitoring and reporting Virginie Hart, GEF LME:LEARN

Quote and Image Slide The LME:LEARN Data and Information (DIM) Working Group was established as an informal body to guide the process with a clear mandate to create learning exchanges on data and information management tools to be used by the LME community of practitioners. The expected outcome of the DIM Working Group includes more harmonious data and information management across LMEs, as well as improved capacity of projects to report progress and results across for example, Strategic Action Program implementation as well as SDG targets. “ 2

LME:LEARN DIM Documents 1. LME review and catalogue 2. DIM Guidelines 3. Common Indicators Data and Information from The GEF Large Marine Ecosystem Portfolio - Metadata catalogue of available GEF marine project data and information Data and Information Management Guidelines for GEF LME Projects -To ensure sustainability of spatial and other project data and information in GEF LME projects Identifying Common LME Indicators - Towards common reporting and comparability between LMEs

Main findings 1. Availability of project data and information online. Over 100 LME projects reviewed IW:LEARN only source of information online for many projects, particularly old projects, including archive of old project web-sites GEF Implementing Agencies (particularly WB and FAO) have repository of project reports Many projects integrated into executing agency sites (i.e. SPREP, PERSGA, PEMSEA) Project web-sites for recent projects – older sites archived by IW:LEARN Reports, assessments etc: thousands of important reports, strategies and plans, EIA’s, maps, assessments, training etc. Plus Atlas’s and storybooks

Example LME Project GIS’s

Main findings/issues 2. Online repository of metadata used for project assessments. Few projects record sources of data used, or meta-data for generated data (i.e. at demonstration sites etc.). 3. Long-term maintenance of databases Requires plan for sustainability, resources and capacity following project completion. Some databases not updated following project completion; Consider most efficient mechanism, i.e. integration into existing database. 4. Long-term reporting of targets and indicators Few examples of published reporting on SAP targets and indicators Consideration can be given on aligning targets (SAPs, other LME plans, SDG’s and Global Convention reporting (CBD etc) and ensuring regular reporting

LME:LEARN Data and Information Management: Working Group Meeting and Training. Paris, France, 2 – 4 July 2019 Reviewed the Data and Information Guidelines and to agree on next steps towards its implementation; Reviewed and agreed on common LME indicators that will allow comparison of progress in implementation of SAPs between the LMEs LME experiences in data and information management, training on data and Information management tools information-management-working-group-meeting-and- training Benguela Current, Caribbean, Mediterranean, East Asian Seas (PEMSEA), Indonesian Sea and partners 7

LME:LEARN Data and Information Management: Working Group Meeting and Training. Paris, France, 2 – 4 July 2019 Training and presentations: Conservation International - Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) Management Effectiveness Scorecard International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - LME Hub portal website UNEP GRID Geneva - UNEP’S World Environment Situation Room and training on the creation of story maps ( GRID-Arendal provided a training session on the IW:LEARN Spatial Lab UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) Ocean+ data and information FAO data toolsets IOC UNESCO IODE and GOOS tools and best practices 8

Where to go from here. Next Steps to build on the momentum.

1. Implementing the DIM Guidelines Agreement on the need to have a more strategic approach on the use and management of data and information within the project, and in particular to ensure the sustainability of the project’s activities regarding data, information and assessments beyond the project’s lifespan (such as a data and information strategy) Several LMEs in process of developing online state of environment type reports. Agreed to coordinate and align as possible on technology and approach to more interactive and innovative online reports; Request to continue the work of the DIM and build on the momentum and enable LMEs to report on progress Request for support to replicate DIM meeting and training at LME level 10

2. Integrating Common Indicators Criteria for sub-selection They provide fundamental baseline information in relation to the current status of the LME; They capture the major features related to pollution and biodiversity degradation/loss common to all the LMEs; They include the GEF 7 Core Indicators which projects are obligated to report on; They include the core indicators used for the TWAP Assessment of LMEs where methodology defined and data available; They include where relevant SDG and Regional Seas (RS) indicators. Note however that the methodologies of many of the SDG indicators are still in development (i.e. Tier I and II), and data will not yet be available. Also, the Regional Seas Indicator methodologies and reporting are still in progress. Therefore, the indicators where methodologies have not yet been defined and data is limited, have not been included below. Once data will be available in the future, these indicators should then be added; and They provide information on the status of governance reforms and the implementation of SAP and other key regional agreements and targets. Review and compilation of 105 most relevant indicators (Table 6), which can be used as useful by LME projects. To discuss if useful “toolbox” of indicators can be further expanded; Sub-selection of 24 indicators (Table 8) based on criteria in line with SDGs with recommendation that these are integrated into LME indicators systems and future reporting and assessments; Reporting on indicators consider different sources of data: (1) LME reporting, (2) National databases; and (3) Global/Regional databases; Request for further work to define standard monitoring methodologies (spatial and temporal aspects etc.) and regular feedback from LMEs 11

3. Making available Best practices, training and tools on data and information management Technology, and data and information management tools and resources have rapidly evolved and need to be made available to LMEs Each LME adopts its own approach. There is willingness towards greater coordination and exchange of good practices and a more common approach and use of data and information tools; A recognized need to have additional future regional and sub-regional meetings and training on data and information management; Willingness from partners and organizations to support LME’s in data and information management. Partnerships can be facilitated and encouraged through IW:LEARN DIM working group 12

Final comments The SDGs with the most- and least-reported indicators by the studied countries (IISD 2017) SDG 14 one of the least reported of the SDGs in national voluntary reviews (VNRs), and recognized that a regional approach is needed in particular for SDG14 Each LME generates significant data and information that can contribute to SDG reporting. SDG14 as well as others Requires strengthening data and information management within LME’s and systematic reporting to make available relevant data and information and align with SDGs Some LMEs developing State of Environment type reports, SAP implementation and thematic assessments – through some coordination these can also contribute to SDG reporting at the regional level LMEs should continue to coordinate and exchange through the DIM working group to ensure in the future comparability between LMEs and as well as greater contribution to reporting on Ocean related SDGs LME coordination mechanism with relevant regional organizations (& Economic Commissions) for consolidated SDG reporting and support to countries to ensure SDG 14 is fully reported in VNR reports is key Indonesian Sea to organize sub-regional DIM meeting at the end of 2019 13

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