SATs 2019
What are SATS? End of Key Stage 2, all Year 6 pupils take the KS2 SATS. (Statutory Assessment Tests). Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Maths Teacher Assessment for Writing and Science. Teachers also assess their general day to day progress as part of their Teacher Assessment.
SATS Time-table Monday 13th May – Thursday 16th May 2019 Date Tests Monday 13th May English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Tuesday 14th May English reading test Wednesday 15th May Arithmetic Maths Reasoning A Thursday 16th May Maths Reasoning B
English Speaking and listening – teacher assessment only Reading - marked externally Grammar, Punctuation and spelling – marked externally Writing – teacher assessment only with external moderation A score for each test is awarded. An overall level is awarded, although children may achieve different levels for each paper. Children receive a reading level, a writing level and a third, overall English level.
Reading test One hour to include reading time Consists of a selection of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts, with an accompanying answer booklet. The paper will be scored out of 50. Raw scores being converted into a scaled score, with 100 representing the expected standard.
Grammar One paper of 45-minute 50 marks in total Short answer questions Second test will assess spelling (20 marks). The spelling test will be read to pupils, with each spelling contained in a contextualised sentence Overall marks out of 70 Will be converted to a scaled score, with 100 representing the expected standard
Maths Arithmetic Paper – 30 minutes based written number questions. (This has replaced mental maths) Paper A – 40 minutes (40 marks) Paper B – 40 minutes (40 marks) Add all the marks together to get an overall score – marked externally tests number, shape, space and measure and data handling Paper B – tests the ability to use and apply mathematics in different contexts, and children may use a calculator Mental maths test: this is a timed paper which tests mental calculation and the ability to apply knowledge at speed.
Arithmetic Arithmetic: Consists largely of one-mark questions using calculations. Some 2-mark questions for long multiplication and long division calculations. In 2-mark questions, 1 mark will be award for correct method. E.g. long division There are 40 marks for this paper.
Reasoning Paper A and Paper B Fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Up to half of the questions will be provided within a context. No calculators allow No extension paper (old level 6). Raw scores will be converted to a scaled score, with 100 representing the expected standards.
The children will be assessed on various genres of writing such as: Fiction –stories with a focus on characters, settings, plot, dialogue, poetry, play scripts etc Non-fiction – Recount, non-chronological reports, instructions, explanations, persuasion, discussion, letters, diaries, journalistic writing, biographies.
After the tests School receives results before end of term. We do not have the date for this. Parents receive the results as part of the annual report in July. All of the test papers are marked externally. They are sent off to a named marker and we receive the marked papers and master list before the end of term. We do not have the date for this, and appreciate that this is an anxious time for both parents and children. You will receive the results as part of the annual report in July.
Breakfast Club Monday to Thursday Free for all year 6 children Meet in the dinner hall when the bell goes Relaxation and exercise! End of SATs treat ….remember to have early nights!