Consultant Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth Patient Outcomes 3 Years Post Bilateral Implantation of an Apodized Diffractive IOL Robert Kaufer, M.D. Consultant Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth
Purpose To report objective and subjective patient outcomes three years after bilateral implantation of an apodized diffractive multifocal IOL.
Methods 1 Argentine investigative site 18 patients Surgeon’s earliest cohort of patients bilaterally implanted with AcrySof ® ReSTOR ® IOLs < 1 D postoperative astigmatism No compromising ocular conditions - (package insert “Precautions” section) Provided written consent to participate in additional postoperative testing
Methods 3 Year postoperative assessments Visual Acuity (UCVA & BSCVA) - 4m (far), - 60cm & 50cm (intermediate) - Patient preferred (near) Questionnaire - Spectacle freedom - Visual disturbances - Improvement of disturbances over time
Questionnaire Do you wear glasses for any activity? If yes, please describe. Did you notice your vision improve over time? Do lights bother you at night? If yes, has this improved/lessened over time? Would you recommend this surgery to a friend? If you could change something about your vision, what would it be? Do you have any antidotes/story related to your new vision?
Results Snellen Intermediate (60cm) Intermediate (50cm) Near (Pt Preferred) Far (4m) 20/16 20/20 20/25 Snellen 20/30 20/40 20/50
Results * *2 patients require spectacles for some activities. Both are satisfied with vision.
Results One patient would not recommend to a friend. His/her comment was, “The only thing that bothers me are the incoming lights at night when I drive. I would change that.. They bothered me also before the surgery.” One patient reported the surgery did not meet his/her expectations. His/her comment was, “The lights at night are really bothersome.”
Patient Antidotes/Stories “Left the OR from the first eye and I could see all the numbers on the streets. I couldn´t wait for the second eye to be operated on. I was impacted with all that I could see.” “At the beginning I would always look for my glasses before reading (old habit).” “Nothing better than no glasses needed.”
Conclusions High level of spectacle freedom (89%) MAINTAINED for 3 years. Visual disturbances LESSEN over time – 82% of patients. Excellent patient SATISFACTION & STABILITY over 3 year period. period.