Tapas 21-2-19 Translate: 1. Sometimes we have to study for science. (tener que) 2. We always need to use the computer. (necesitar) 3. Everyday we arrive late to school. (llegar) 4. I rarely get a bad grade. (sacar una mala nota) 5. One must never study to get bad grades. (hay que)
Boardgames- “Juegos” 1. Do a rough draft of your game board (ARTIST) 2. Do a rough draft of your questions & answers (SCRIBE #1 & #2) 3. Do a rough draft of your rules (SCRIBE #3) 4. Show me rough drafts and then begin on final drafts. *** YOUR GROUP MEMBERS WILL BE EVALUATING YOU, SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING YOUR TIME WISELY, AND DOING YOUR SHARE OF THE WORK!