Autism Spectrum Disorder Ricci, pp. 1966-1967
Incidence and Types Usually manifests in infancy or early childhood as developmental delays or regression No relation to socioeconomic level or parenting style Ranges from mild to severe
Etiology Genetic disorder of brain development most likely Viruses or toxic chemicals have been speculated Autosomal recessive pattern No evidence of link to thimerosal-containing vaccines
Manifestations Seizures Delayed development of hand dominance Persistence of primitive reflexes Limited language acquisition Losing language and social skills Large head, large ears
Manifestations Indifference to touch and affection Shows unusual attachments to objects Overly sensitive to light, touch, sound, hearing, smell, taste Performs repeated body movements Language delays or regression Nonsense rhyming or word repetition Communicates with gestures Cannot start or maintain conversation
Manifestations Behavioral outbursts, preoccupation Head banging, hand biting Limited pretend play GI/nutritional issues—constipation,willful starvation, gagging, mouthing objects, eating non-edibles, smelling/throwing food Screening for manifestations (see Take Note! p. 1967)
Nursing Management Highly structured routines, consistency, and positive reinforcement Increase social awareness of others Teach verbal communication skills Decrease unacceptable behaviors
Pharmacologic Therapy Meds to decrease irritability, aggression, anxiety, mood swings, hyperactivity Risperidol SSRIs Divalproex Ritalin
Hospitalized Autistic Child Parents present Encourage parents to bring in favorite possessions Limit physical contact when possible Private room with low stimulation
Parental Support Feel guilt and shame—need counseling and support Encourage parents to care for child in home with family support, if possible. If not, then institutional care Early intervention/IEP for public school Refer to mental health facilities and facilities for developmental disabilities Refer to Autism Society of America:
Owen Suskind—Autism Story on