Outsourcing for the BGC


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Presentation transcript:

Outsourcing for the BGC Ray VENESS BI-WP13 internal 27/5/19

BGC integration into the HEL (preliminary) Ray VENESS, WP13 internal meeting

Context BGC is currently under development as part of HL-LHC collaboration KE/3298 with Cockcroft Institute (CI) Prototype designed for LHC installation expected for delivery 2019/2020 There is a strong interest, both technically and organizationally, for the CI to continue and produce the series instruments The UK funding bodies are aware that this would need to be a 100% in-kind contribution This is not the 50% in-kind model used for other potential HL contributions A final decision on the UK funding can be expected before the end of 2019 Ray VENESS, WP13 internal meeting

Proposed Milestones for BGC Series The following milestones and dates are under discussion with CI Functional specification agreed/approved [early 2021] Engineering design review / EDR approval [early 2022] This would cover presentations and data to show that the proposed design fits the specification and can be built, but not necessarily detailed drawings Final design review / FDR approval [late 2022] This covers final drawings, integration, costs, production plan and commissioning plan Delivery of the interaction chambers for integration in the HEL build-up [mid 2023] We have seen from recent meetings that these chambers may need to go in between the magnets during the assembly Delivery of unit 1 for integration in the HEL and testing. Participation in commissioning tests. [early 2024] Not decided if this final testing will be on surface or underground Delivery of unit 2 for integration [early 2025] pre-tested at CI? Ray VENESS, WP13 internal meeting

Questions? Ray VENESS, WP13 internal meeting

Exploded view of prototype to be installed for testing in the LHC during Run 3 Ray VENESS, WP13 internal meeting