SD INTRASTATE PUBLIC EDUCATION Your Logo Here SD Intrastate Pipeline 10/9/2019
SD INTRASTATE PUBLIC EDUCATION Your Logo Here South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company Operates 178 miles of Natural Gas Transmission pipeline in the Central Region of South Dakota. We serve Edmunds, Walworth, Potter, Sully and Hughes Counties. 10/9/2019
CONSTRUCTION SDIP’s Pipeline is constructed of welded steel pipe in three sizes: 8 inch, 6 inch and 3 inch 10/9/2019
CONSTRUCTION After being pressure tested, the pipe is coated and wrapped 10/9/2019
CONSTRUCTION And buried in the ground with not less than 36 inches of ground cover 10/9/2019
CONSTRUCTION A small DC current is applied to the pipe to aid in the prevention of corrosion. 10/9/2019
CONSTRUCTION At each road and stream crossing and other locations along the pipeline, you will see yellow pipeline markers 10/9/2019
CONSTRUCTION These markers contain the following information: CAUTION: GAS PIPELINE Company Name 24 Hour Emergency Phone Number 10/9/2019
CONTRUCTION These markers are required by law, and are NOT intended to show the EXACT location of the pipe, but rather that there is a buried pipeline in the near vicinity. 10/9/2019
OPERATIONS Our pipeline operates at pressures ranging from 400 psig in the summer, to 1000 psig during the winter months 10/9/2019
OPERATIONS We have 11 above ground valve locations, and 3 above ground pigging stations. 10/9/2019
South Dakota One Call SDIP is a member of South Dakota One Call Please call South Dakota One Call two working days prior to any planned excavation. This is a free service to the excavator, and the phone number is 1-800-781-7474 The exceptions to this are gardening to a depth of 12 inches, and agricultural tilling to a depth of 18 inches. 10/9/2019
South Dakota One Call When you place a call to South Dakota One Call, you will be asked several questions pertaining to your planned excavation. These questions will include, but not be limited to the following: 10/9/2019
South Dakota One Call Name of person or company doing the excavating Phone Number Callers Name Alternate Contact Best time to contact 10/9/2019
South Dakota One Call Work beginning date and time Duration of work (hours/days) County and City/Town Excavation Address Nearest Cross Street Type of work Depth of Excavation 10/9/2019
South Dakota One Call Tunneling or Boring (Y/N) Excavating in Right of Way (Y/N) Explosives (Y/N) Work Being Done For A Description of the Excavation Site 10/9/2019
South Dakota One Call Once a ticket is received by SDIP, we take the following actions: Check the location on maps of the pipeline Call the person(s) listed on the ticket to verify the supplied information Either “CLEAR” the ticket, or locate the pipeline for the excavator 10/9/2019
South Dakota One Call Clearing a ticket means that our pipeline is not in the vicinity of the proposed excavation. Locating the line means we go to the site, and mark the location of our pipeline 10/9/2019
South Dakota One Call Any time an excavation is being done within 25 feet of our pipe, a representative from SDIP will be on site. This is for the safety of the excavator, as well as the integrity of the pipeline. Once the pipeline is exposed, the pipe and coating are inspected for damage or signs of corrosion. 10/9/2019
South Dakota One Call The SDIP representative will remain on site until the pipeline is once again covered. 10/9/2019
Emergency Procedures Natural gas is lighter than air, colorless and odorless. At SDIP, we inject an odorizing agent to the gas we transport. This chemical gives the gas a “rotten egg” odor, and makes the gas readily detectable. 10/9/2019
Emergency Procedures If you should detect the odor of rotten eggs in the vicinity of the pipeline, we would ask that you take the following actions: Remove any sources of ignition (no smoking, matches or open lights) Move to a safe area Call our Toll-Free Emergency Number 10/9/2019
Emergency Procedures In the unlikely event of a pipeline leak, you may hear a hissing noise, or a loud wind sound, accompanied by the odor of rotten eggs. Again, follow the afore mentioned procedures, and do the following: 1) Evacuate the area in a 200 yard radius from the point of the incident. 10/9/2019
Emergency Procedures 2) Remove ALL sources of ignition (no smoking, turn off motor vehicles,) from the evacuated area. 3) Contact SDIP IMMEDIATELY. 4) DO NOT attempt to contain the leak, or operate any SDIP equipment. 10/9/2019
Emergency Procedures 5) If the emergency includes fire, DO NOT attempt to extinguish the fire unless there is immanent danger to persons, livestock or property. Remove persons and livestock from the area, and protect buildings. SDIP personnel will isolate and depressurize the damaged pipeline section. Secondary fires may be extinguished. 10/9/2019
Emergency Procedures 6) Only essential personnel shall be allowed in the area of emergency. 7) If any type of fire is approaching an SDIP valve site, notify SDIP personnel immediately. 10/9/2019
SDIP’S 24 HOUR EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS ARE: Emergency Procedures SDIP’S 24 HOUR EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS ARE: 1-800-852-0949 Or 605-224-0949 10/9/2019
Thank You We at SDIP would like to thank you for watching this presentation. It is our sincere hope that it has answered any questions you may have about our pipeline, or operations. If you have questions that were not addressed here, please call us and we will answer you questions directly. 10/9/2019