3: Alcohol and the Law Unit 6: Toxicology April 26, 2015 Sanders 5:44 PM
Collection of Blood Evidence Once intoxication has been determined in the field, blood must be drawn with proper medical conditions. Disinfectants must be used. November 27, 2019 Forensic Toxicology
Preserving Drawn Blood Anticoagulants are used to preserve blood. EDTA Potassium Oxilate A preservative such as sodium fluorite is used that would stop the growth of bacteria. Bacteria would metabolize alcohol. November 27, 2019 Forensic Toxicology
Blood Alcohol Laws The current legal measure of drunk driving in the United States is a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.08% November 27, 2019 Forensic Toxicology
Human Blood Volume The average human male has approximately 5 liters of blood. That’s 5000 ml of blood. Women have less blood in volume. November 27, 2019 Forensic Toxicology
Legal Issues in DWI Stops The Fifth Amendment guarantees the protection from self incrimination. The Fourth Amendment guarantees safety from unreasonable search and seizures. November 27, 2019 Forensic Toxicology
Breathalyzers and the Law Is it self incrimination to use a breathalyzer? One does not have to use a breathalyzer. Driving is a privilege, not a right. License suspended for refusal to take test. November 27, 2019 Forensic Toxicology
Blood Draw and the Law Blood drawn and preserved is evidence. The body would naturally destroy this evidence. Not in violation of the Fourth Amendment. November 27, 2019 Forensic Toxicology
Summation An implied-consent law states that the operator of a motor vehicle on a public highway must either consent to a test for alcohol intoxication. Refusal of such request can result in license suspension time depends on state law. Six months One year Driving While Intoxicated is a felony. Third DWI, person will go to prison. November 27, 2019 Forensic Toxicology
November 27, 2019 Forensic Toxicology