Diamond Measurements in Zeuthen Diamond samples Fraunhofer Institute (Freiburg) : (12 x 12 mm) 300 and 200 um Different surface treatments : #1 – substrate side polished; 300 um #2 – cut substrate; 200 um #3 – growth side polished; 300 um #4 – both sides polished; 300 um Metallization: 10 nm Ti + 400 nm Au
Electric Parameters of Freiburg Diamonds I(V) dependence Usual I(V) curve: Non-ohmic curve:
Time dependence :
Reproducibility: Conclusion: currents of most diamonds of Freiburg production constitute several picoampers at operating voltages, which completely satisfies LCAL needs.
Charge Collection Distance of Freiburg Diamonds Qmeas. = Qcreated x ccd / L & Gate PA discr delay ADC Sr90 PM1 PM2 diamond Scint. Not irradiated samples CCD = f(HV) Both polarities
Spectra obtained – noise and Sr signal
CCD - before irradiation (1)
CCD - before irradiation Sensor R(Average) ccd Up 500V ccd Up 800V ccd Down 500V ccd Down 800V 11 4.60E+13 37 35 12 3.20E+14 27 30 43 13 8.88E+11 21 25 33 5.92E+14 17 24 22 7.39E+14 9 10 (700V) 23 3.93E+14 10 31 1.04E+11 33 (400V) 28 32 5.12E+13 50 57 4.63E+13 52 58 49 54 41 5.12E+11 48 45 (400 V) 42 4.35E+14 5.24E+13 60 65
CCD – a spectra
Results: Values of CCD before irradiation: (10 - 60) um Surface treatment has an influence on CCD Good resistance doesn’t mean high CCD