Model of the course of acute Bartonella infection. Model of the course of acute Bartonella infection. (1) In infections by B. bacilliformis primary niche remains controversial; in other Bartonella species, it is considered to include the vascular endothelium as a major constituent. From the hypothetical primary niche, Bartonella is released into the bloodstream, in which it may reinfect the primary niche (if it exists) again. (2) Binding to erythrocytes. (3) Invasion of erythrocytes. (4) Replication. (5) Finally, the infection leads to hemolytic anemia or the organisms persist in a nonreplicative intraerythrocytic state. (Adapted from reference 372 with permission of Macmillan Publishers Ltd.) Cláudia Gomes, and Joaquim Ruiz Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2018; doi:10.1128/CMR.00056-17