Independent and dependent clauses
Learning Objective Today I will distinguish between independent and dependent clauses I will be able to write an analogy for independent and dependent clauses. I will be able to write and punctuate complex sentences correctly.
Why are we going over this? Too many of you have included sentence fragments in your writing. In other words, you are not using complete sentences!
The Clause: Clauses ALWAYS have subjects and verbs Clauses are categorized into 2 groups: Independent (AKA main) Dependent (AKA subordinate) The independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence or thought (not a fragment) The dependent clause CANNOT stand alone; it has a subject and verb, but is a fragment and DEPENDS on a main clause to make sense
An analogy to help: Think of the Main Clause as a manager. Think of the Subordinate Clauses as workers. The Subordinates cannot do the work without the Manager’s approval (otherwise, chaos ensues). Thus, any subordinate clause always needs a main clause to manage them.
Or if that didn’t make sense to you, try this one: The independent clause can be thought of as a parent. Whereas the dependent (subordinate) clauses can be thought of as the children. Hence, the children depend on the parents’ approval to do anything.
Can you think of another analogy that would work for independent and dependent clauses?
A related group of words with a subject and predicate is called a clause. A complex sentence contains an independent and dependent clause.
Native Americans lived on the island until they were attacked. Independent clause Native Americans lived on the island until they were attacked. Dependent clause
Here’s a trick! You can check to see if a clauses is independent or dependent by using this following trick: At the beginning of the clause in question, add “It is possible that”
It’s possible that Example: Are any of these independent clauses? Grew up in Palm Desert I am your 10th grade student this year at LQHS. Also to see what your personality was For example running, playing, jumping. Are any of these independent clauses?
Write I or D for independent or dependent clause. 1. if you live on an island______ 2. the tides affect your life______ 3. the water level rises_____ 4. when the tide comes in_____ 5. much of the beach disappears under water_____ 6. until the tide goes out_____
In the following sentences, identify the independent and dependent clauses. Although it was located next to a school, the Radiac Research Corporation was storing large amounts of medical waste. Cleopatra lived in ancient Egypt, which she ruled. When a crowd gathered for a public rally, the teens told the people about Radiac. Billy fell in the sewer on a neighborhood street as he was playing on a Saturday afternoon.
Furthermore, How do I punctuate two independent clauses that are closely related? USE A SEMICOLON! Or a period
Independent Clause: I need new school clothes. I will go to the mall. Because these sentences (independent clauses) are closely related, they can be joined with a semi-colon: I need new clothes ; I will go to the mall. Sub verb sub verb verb independent clause independent clause
If you start a sentence with a dependent clause, use a comma before the independent clause. Because I don’t have a car, I can’t go off campus for lunch today. ***If the dependent clause appears after the independent clause, you don’t need any punctuation! Whoo hoo! I can’t go off campus today for lunch because I don’t have a car.
My cell phone rang in class. I answered it. Whenever you begin a sentence with a subordinating conjunction, use a comma. My cell phone rang in class. I answered it. Because my cell phone rang in class, I answered it. Last week’s sentence structure works here as well: My cell phone rang in class; I answered it. Either way, rather than write two boring sentences punctuated with a period, you can now choose two different ways to write this sentence more effectively by using a more complex structure. sub verb sub verb independent clause independent clause dependent clause independent clause
Tools you need to remember: It’s possible that…
Also, here are some words that trigger the entrance of a dependent clause: Because When Though Unless Whenever While As long as As soon as In order that If Since Although After As As if Before So that Until
TASK- what’s cooking? Write one sentence for each following sentence recipe: Recipe #1: Two independent clauses closely related Recipe #2: Complex sentence starting with a dependent clause (use your list of trigger words) Recipe #3: Complex sentence ending with a dependent clause. Finally, write an analogy for independent and dependent clauses. Be sure to draw a picture to go with it!