False Teaching (Error) & False Teachers Are not pleasant to address (confrontation) Are not pleasant to talk about (sermon) Are not pleasant to hear about (sermon) Yet nearly every NT book deals with error!
There will be false Teachers Warnings are Clear: There will be false Teachers 1 John 4:1 “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” 2 Pet. 2:1 “But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.”
Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”
The Dangers of Error
Determining What is Error Teaching that is contrary to revelation Not determined by the amount of error Not all disagreements are doctrinal error
Determining What is Error The Dangers of Error Determining What is Error How Error is Spread
False Teacher How Error is Spread Error is not presented by a teacher who looks untrustworthy and wears a label False Teacher
How Error is Spread From outside and from within Openly and privately Elders Need to Be Alert What is taught / comments in class Material circulated / private teaching
Determining What is Error The Dangers of Error Determining What is Error How Error is Spread The Danger of Error
The Danger of Error Who is influenced Many will follow (Matt. 24:11; 2 Pet. 2:2) Error is like leaven (Matt. 16:6-12)
The Danger of Error Who is influenced Way it appears Harmless (Matt. 7:15) Seem to be of Christ (2 Cor. 11:13-14)
The Danger of Error Who is influenced Way it appears Damage it does Corrupt morals (1 Cor. 15:33) Overthrow faith (2 Tim. 2:18) Undermines the very word that is basis of faith Example: Premillennialism Shipwreck (1 Tim. 1:19) Lose faith altogether (Heb. 3:12) Mislead and deceived (Col. 2:8, 18) Ruin hearers (2 Tim. 2:14)
The Danger of Error Who is influenced Way it appears Damage it does Teacher’s soul endangered Jude 13 2 Pet. 2:4-9
The Danger of Error Who is influenced Way it appears Damage it does Teacher’s soul endangered Appeal it has Look for what want (2 Tim. 4:3) Ex: Error on MDR fits family Rail against authority (2 Pet. 2:10-12; Jude 8-10) Begins as a rejection of same restrictions Leads to rejection of word (even God) behind them
Determining What is Error The Dangers of Error Determining What is Error How Error is Spread The Danger of Error Dealing with Error
Dealing with Error Identified 1 Cor. 15:12 Rom. 16:17 2 Tim. 1:15 Different than personal sin (Matt. 18:15-17)
Dealing with Error Identified Rebuked Answered (Titus 1:9) Admonish (Titus 3:10) Goal is to correct (Titus 1:13)
Dealing with Error Identified Rebuked Warned against Reason identified (Rom. 16:17) Because of leavening effect (Matt. 16:6-12) Example: Paul identified them by name (2 Tim. 2:17)
Dealing with Error Identified Rebuked Warned against Contend against Jude 3 Acts 15:2
Determining What is Error The Dangers of Error Determining What is Error How Error is Spread The Danger of Error Dealing with Error