EdTPA Seminar Six Task Three: Student Work Samples Evidence of Feedback Assessment Commentary Instruction Commentary Peer Critique
Uh Oh, Teacher called on me, wasn’t listening!
Task 3 Specifications Assessment Task 3: Artifacts and Commentary Specifications (about page 43-handbook) Note Choices: Part A: Student Work Samples Part B: Evidence of Feedback Student Use of Acad. Language
Task 3 Artifact Exemplars (What to Examine?) Read Commentary question prompt and written response. Find corresponding Q prompt in Rubric Level Progressions. Browse descriptors at levels 3, 4 and 5. Come to consensus as a group-score for each Q and response.
Instruction Commentary Peer Review Exchange Instruction Commentary draft or online screen with a partner Use the critique form to write your comments and score Use the rubric level progressions for peer scoring Wait until you have completed the review, scoring and comments before you talk with your partner. Instruction Commentary Peer Review Resources: Rubric Level Progressions Task 2B Instruction Commentary Peer Review and Critique
What is due? What will you bring with you to seminar next week? Next Steps What is due? What will you bring with you to seminar next week?