Enabling environments Themes Characteristics of effective learning Playing and exploring Active learning Creating and thinking critically Learning and development Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Rainforest Celebrations Fairy tales Minibeasts Growing Pirates Prime Areas Personal, Social, Emotional Development Making Relationships Social skills - learning each other's names, making friends ‘Games with our names, to change places & to cooperate, feelings photos Motivation, learning new things, keeping going Feeling excited, calming down Feelings: happy, sad, Angry- pass the teddy game, who has hidden the honey? 'Changes' - what we can do now, what if...? Self-Confidence and Self Awareness Unique child Display children’s names Celebrate Birthdays Learning journeys Children’s ideas, activities, interests Key groups Indoor and outdoor resource enhancements ‘Plan- do review’ Support and scaffold children’s learning Managing Feelings and Behaviour Physical Development Moving and Handling Moving safely, in a space, in different ways, balancing, using climbing equipment, wheeled toys, changing speed & direction. Rolling, throwing, catching, kicking. Developing fine motor skills - pencil & scissor grip and control, manipulating objects, tools, construction, malleable materials. Developing independence with toileting, hand washing, dressing. Recognising danger and developing awareness of safety. Health and Self Care Communication and Language Listening and Attention Sitting quietly. Listening and responding to sounds, own name, rhymes, stories, conversations. Anticipating words, phrases, events. Answering simple questions (who, what, where). Understanding humour. Recalling stories. Following directions. Using language to make friends, to share ideas and experiences, to give explanations, to ask questions, to pretend and imagine. Developing vocabulary, use of sentences, tenses. Positive relationships Understanding Speaking Specific Areas Literacy Reading Phonics ‘Letters and Sounds’ Phase 1: Sound discrimination ' environmental, body, voice & instrumental sounds, rhythm & rhyme, alliteration, oral blending & segmenting (Nursery) RWI: Set 1 and 2 sounds (Reception) Reading and writing own name/ labels/ sentences. Turning pages in books, looking at illustrations & print in books & the environment. Texts include: nursery rhymes, stories, traditional stories, fairy stories and non-fiction. Writing Maths Number Reciting number names, number rhymes & songs, sorting, matching, counting, comparing quantities, representing numbers using fingers or marks on paper or pictures, reading & writing numbers, adding and taking away. Positions, patterns, shapes, size, comparing and ordering, time-based events, using vocabulary. Enabling environments Shape, Space and Measure The World People and Communities Harvest/ Diwali Christmas Chinese New Year Easter St Georges Day Harvest service Friendship week Christmas service Bonfire night Christmas play Valentines Day Mothers Day/ Pancake Day Easter service Fathers Day Leavers srvice Seasons and the weather Technology Remote control toys, Beebot, favourite websites, keeping safe online with an adult, messages eg to Santa, computer paint programmes, photos and videos with I pads and cameras and record voices. Expressive Arts and Design Exploring and Using Media and Materials Natural materials - autumn leaves, sticks Making marks Hand & finger prints Paper plate faces Role play home Autumn action songs & Nursery rhymes - puppets Paint colours, collage materials - bonfires, fireworks Making Rangoli patterns Christmas cards Nativity role play Christmas songs Character paintings, choosing collage materials Model-making Role play castle - dressing up, acting out fairy stories Fairy tale character Animal pictures Caterpillars to butterfly's Easter cards Role play Animal puppets Spring and animal songs Music, Fast & slow sounds flowers Observational drawings Shape & Space - sizes High & low sounds shells & pebbles Different construction Role play seaside, travelling, transport Being Imaginative