ONLINE COURSE FOR DEVELOPING PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES - about presence in learning environments Safegaurding children and young peple in residential and fostercare Closing conference 22.5 2018 Bente Møller- Jensen og Gitte Riis Hansen
This workshop…… will focus on crucial considerations when choosing an online format for education 1. how to understand “presence in learning environments”. no teacher to facilitate the learning process, the didactical considerations has to be taken beforehand. 2. Concrete didactical considerations 3. The need of a development of new competencies in a sensitive field, subject to taboos and prejudice. 13-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-2019
PROGRAM PRESENTATION - - What triggered your interest for this workshop? PERSPEKTIVES ON PRESENCE DIDACTICS APPROACHING A SENSITIVE MATTER (graphics) In this presentation, the structure of the online course will be demonstrated and will be related to didactical considerations and reflections. Depending on the participants, the content of one of the modules will be shown, starting with a short introduction movie based on situations from practice. 13-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-2019
Materials for education and inspiration PRESENTATION RESEARCH 1.a review of available materials (e.g. training programs, guidelines and tools) interviews 3.focus groups with professionals working in residential or foster care DATABASE Materials for education and inspiration SUMMER SCHOOL For students ONLINE COURSE For professionals CONFERENCE The final results, obtained goals and the future plans for the project will be presented. 2015 -2018
WHY AN ONLINE COURSE? To reach as many professionals as possible with the knowlegde, tools and pedagogic methods To address a sensitive subject in need of attention To facilitate the development of competencies for social workers An online course give the professionals the option: To work with the course as a team To fit the course into the work-plans / schedules of meetings To develop pedagogical methods and orginazational structures TOGETHER The modules all ends with the THINK – PLAN –ACT wich can be used ind the organizational process of developing and changing methods 13-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-2019
PEDAGOGICAL ISSUES – about presence No teacher or facilitator present while the professionals are attending the course and developing competencies. Thus, our didactical approach has been situated in the framework and idea of “presence” and the course has been created focusing three presences: Social Presence: teambased work - Teaching Presence: MANUAL, reflection templates, re-appearance Cognitive Presence: .eg THINK – PLAN - ACT (Insp. D. Randy Garrison) 13-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-2019
DIDACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS Creating an online open international course for professionals needs profound and thorough didactic attention. In the reflections and planning of teaching design that fits the online learning environment, we had to consider especially three overall aspects: CULTURAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS DIDACTICAL E-LEARNING ASPECTS GRAPHICAL ASPECTS DIDACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 13-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-2019
Cultural and institutional aspects The online course is an international learning instrument for developing attention and competencies working with a subject that has very different approaches in different countries and pedagogical environments. In some pedagogical and social environments, the subject of healthy sexual development has a lot of attention – in some environments it is considered more or less as a taboo. In addition to that, the cultures and methods in pedagogical and social work differ from one country to country. The institutional level consist of a variety of approaches on how to integrate conventions and international law in the welfare task in order to live up to the responsibility of safeguarding children and young people 13-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-2019
DIDACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS SEE – THINK – ACT SEE / READ: Case: a boy a girl, module 3, sexual identity THINK: Is this a task for social institutions in your country? Think for 2 min – write your thoughts on a card – Reflect with the person sitting next to you for 7 min. ACT: the first step for a plan of action as the result of your reflection 13-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-2019
DIDACTICAL E-LEARNING ASPECTS SEE THINK ACT CONCEPT CONTENT SEE (KNOWLEDGE) Information Statements Knowledge check Casestudies Library Videos Films THINK (ATTITUDE) Exercises: cases, reflections, diskussions ACT (CHANGE) Cases Plans of action 13-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-2019
GRAPHICAL ASPECTS The online course is first a visual learning element; the graphics (pictures, colors, design) will be a part of “teaching presence” and have a strong impact of the learners´ approach and sense making. The online course has been developed with a strong attention to the graphical design We had a lot of considerations about the choice of colors, pictures and design on a subject as sensitive as this. SEE: Modul 2 Show THINK: what is your reactions to the colors and graphics? 13-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-2019
Dilemmas developing competencies online Being introduced to the online-course please give us your reflections on the dilemmas as you see them . Good things Challenges 13-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-2019
How to acces the online-course The link will be accessable on the project website by the end of august. But we would like to send the link to you when it´s ready Please write your name on the list Or send us a mail: Gitte Riis Hansen: Bente Møller-Jensen 13-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-201913-10-2019