Suicide Risk Inquiry (Threat to Self: SUICIDE) Flow Chart Student is reported to school personnel for potential threat to self (suicide) Immediately escort student to Certified School Counselor (CSC) or School-based Social Worker (SW) Student is at NO or LOW RISK of self-harm CSC/SW Conducts Risk Assessment Procedures Student is AT-RISK of self- harm CSC/SW completes PHQ-9 or MFQ Screening CSC/SW (1) contacts parent/legal guardian to advise that an assessment was conducted and discusses available mental health services and supports, (2) follows up with student, (3) completes Form 5 of MH referral process and sends to CSC/SW completes Columbia - SSRS Student is at SERIOUS RISK of self-harm Student is at ELEVATED RISK of self-harm CSC/SW (1) consults with School Psychologist/School-based and/or District Social Worker (LCSW), (2) notifies administration, (3) Notifies the SRO or local law enforcement agency immediately if the situation indicates the need for an involuntary commitment,(4) the school official knowledgeable about the situation i.e., CSC/SW or school administrator) (a) contacts the parent/legal guardian to inform of actions taken as a result of the SRI, and (d) completes Form 5 of the MH referral process and sends to, and (5) follow-up with re-entry planning meeting. CSC/SW (1) contacts parent/legal guardian to advise that an assessment was conducted and discusses available mental health services and supports, (2) follows up with student, (3) completes Form 5 of MH referral process, (4) sends to,and (5) follow-up with re-entry planning maybe necessary. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS: (1) Notifies the Office of Elementary or Secondary Leading, and (2) completes an Incident Report with district security. 7/19 PL