BOYS’ BASKETBALL BULLDOGS CAMP 2019 This camp is designed to teach the fundamentals of basketball, including ball-handling, footwork, passing, shooting and defense. We will also have basketball games and contests. We expect a lot of teaching, learning, and FUN! May 28th-30th Cost: $30 [cash only please] Forms and Money Due By May 23rd Walk-up campers welcome Each camper will receive a drawstring backpack with registration! INCOMING 6th-9th GRADERS 8:00 AM-10:00 AM TIOGA MIDDLE SCHOOL GYM For more information contact: Coach Roy Mejia (940) 636-4066 We will have a 15 minute snack break. Snacks/drinks will be available for $1 each. In case of emergency, I hereby authorize the staff of the Bulldog Camp to act for me according to their best judgment. I release Tioga ISD of any liability for any injuries incurred at the camp. I have no knowledge of any physical impairment that would affect my son’s participation in the Camp Program. Cash only please Please return forms and payment to: Coach Mejia, Mrs. Mejia (1st Grade) OR the Middle School Front Office Camper Name:___________________________ Date:_____________ Parent/Guardian :___________________Signature:______________________ Emergency Contact Number:_____________________ Incoming Grade: 6th 7th 8th 9th