AA County Re-entry Resources Developer: Xingyu Lu | Professor: Dr. Kathy Weaver | Client: Anne Arundel County: Patrick March About Detention Facility Department Committed to providing public safety Provides safe and secure facilities for pretrial detainees and convicted offenders Case Managers locate re-entry programs and services for the inmates to participate in, upon their release back into society Project Overview Problem: Case managers have no way to share the re-entry resources they have with each other Solution: Create a central portal where they can share, manage, and retrieve resources Contribution A new resource management system to support the re-entry program Case managers share and retrieve resources easily External service providers can request adding their resources to the system Inmates get more accurate matching to programs and services to lessen their chance of returning to incarceration Retrieval Criteria User management Successes Obtained requirement gathering skills Improved project scheduling skills Utilized Google Form as intermediate data collect tool Challenges Tracking the change of design (version control) Lack of flexibility on the development framework Building login and permission control system for the website Resource Unit