Meet the Coaches Night CMS Football 2018
Meeting Agenda Introductions Our Philosophy Student-Athlete Expectations Parent Expectations Policies and Procedures Important Dates
Curtis Coaching Staff 8th Grade Chris Noles-Quarterbacks, Running backs, Linebackers Daniel Tice-Receivers / Secondary Mario Dupree- Offensive Line/ Defensive Line 7th Grade Julian Calabria- Receivers/ Secondary Roy Matlock-Offensive Line/ Defensive Line Austin Hennigan-Running backs, Linebackers
Our Philosophy Coach Every Athlete Basic Fundamentals and Techniques Instill a desire to develop great habits How to be successful on and off the field Team Concept over Individualism 1/8 Athletics 7/8 Academics
Student-Athlete Expectations Held to a higher standard than the rest of the student body Athletes represent the school and the athletic program Strong message of character building Must be passing all classes to be eligible Failure to meet these expectations will result in OTIs
Parent Expectations Open Practices Parents can watch practice from the stands Parents are not allowed inside of the Facility (Locker Room, Track, Field) Yelling or coaching from the stands is PROHIBITED If you wish to have a meeting with a coach that needs to be set up via email. Support our kids and support our program All of these apply to games as well
Parent Expectations UIL Guidelines A ticket is a privilege to observe the contest, not a license to verbally assault others or be generally obnoxious. Show respect for the opposing players, coaches, spectators and support groups Parents should be aware that the school can and should remove them from the premises and can prohibit them from attending future contests due to undesirable behaviors.
Physicals and Rank One Must have a physical turned in to be able to participate Physical must be completed after May 1st 2019 Link to the Rank One forms are on the website under Athletics
Important Dates August 16th First Early Practice (3rd Day of School) September 4th First Game Days that students are off we DO NOT have practice Picture Day: September 27th Any time there is a change in the schedule you will be notified via email
Athletic Periods 7th Grade is 1st Period 8th Grade is 8th Period 7th Graders are expected to shower before class Bring their own hygiene supplies Towel, soap, deodorant, slides, (No Spray Deodorant) Need to bring something to eat for breakfast 8th Grade is 8th Period Athletes released immediately after practice
Workout Clothes and Lockers Athletes will receive one pair of “Grays” 7th grade sets are 10 for the top and 10 for the bottom 8th grade 15 for top and 10 for bottom Different sets for 7th and 8th Anything that your child brings needs to have a name on it Lockers and Locks are provided and need to be locked up
Equipment Athletes may use their own Helmets and Shoulder Pads Must be checked by Coach Noles and Form must be signed Other equipment should be Black, Red, or White. Pink Equipment during October We will only wrap for injuries
Positions Every Athlete will have an offensive and defensive position We look for certain qualities for different positions Constant evaluation of players We want your child to succeed Embrace your position and trust the coaches
Practice 7th Grade 8th Grade Before school Drop off at NW parking lot Doors will open at 6:50 Practice begins at 7:20 8th Grade Practice starts at 2:55 Practice ends at 4:45 Pick up at NW parking lot
Practice Athletes expected to be on time and be present Injury or Illness Email Coach Noles Can miss 3 days without a doctors note
Teams A Team is the Red Team B Team is the Black Team Looking for ways to help your child be successful Constant Evaluation
Playing Time and Rotations Playing time is affected by: Attendance Behavior Attitude Rotations help us get every athlete playing time Playing time is not guaranteed During the 4th Quarter best players will play Large number of athletes
Games Schedules and Directions on the website Athletes will stay at school before games We will eat a team meal before we leave Students will ride to the games and back to the school Athletes will not take back packs or phones
Team Meal Firehouse Subs $65.00 for 9 games ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO “Firehouse Subs” Athletes will have limited choices with a vegetarian option Order form is on the website Any issues with this email Coach Noles
Parent Volunteers During Home Games we will need help with the chains and first down marker We also appreciate film for both Black and Red teams Contact Coach Noles if you would like to help us with either of those jobs
Injuries Parent note will work for three days After that a doctors note is required AHS Facility and Training Room Dr. Walter- Wednesdays at 7:30
Inclement Weather Any time there is a change you will be notified Games will not be made up In the event of weather during the school day 7th Grade will have practice 8th Grade practice may be cut short or released at the end of the school day
Season Tickets Season Tickets are available for purchase 200 Level Contact the Athletic Office at Allen High