THE FUTURE OF NHW Mark Custerson Programme Manager to NHWN & Chief Constable Whiteley
LIVEWORK ERS Conference Search
VISION “A caring society that is founded upon trust and respect in which people are safe from crime and enjoy a rich quality of life in their communities”.
MISSION NHWN exists to support its grassroots members, co-ordinate activities on their behalf and represent them so that their common needs are met. Over the next five years it will focus on: Working with the Police and Home Office to improve the way that Neighbourhood and Home Watch is consistently valued, understood, promoted and supported. Securing sustainable funding and support for both the network and Neighbourhood and Home Watch activities. Establishing a single national communications system. Creating a robust network with an effective Board and staff, transparent decision-making, efficient communication systems and broad member involvement.
VALUES NHWN is: Accountable Caring Credible Inclusive Independent.
WHY NHWN NEED STAFF Profile of NHW high Voluntary at present – can’t sustain level needed Home Office giving more delivery to NHW to do Home Office willing to fund some staff
POTENTIAL STAFF POSTS National Development Manager Network Project Officer Administrator / Website Assistant
5 YEAR BUSINESS PLAN Deliver in late March 2010 Will take account of feedback from the five conferences Will be available online at