Our Journey to the Modern Workplace Drive TeamsSites Training & Comms O365 hub
Drive TeamsSites O365 hub Training & Comms follow O365 hub OUTLOOK 43,094 Google Mail accounts moved to Outlook 1.5 Billion Google s migrated to Outlook
Drive TeamsSites Files moved to OneDrive OneDrive migrations OneDrives enabled 40,317 15, Million ONEDRIVE Training & Comms O365 hub
Drive TeamsSitesfollow Team accounts 44,027 Active users in Teams 62% Teams Chat messages sent (August 2019) 11.4 Million TEAMS Training & Comms O365 hub
Drive TeamsSites O365 hub 01 follow ,747 Google sites migrated to SharePoint Online 3 Million files migrated to SharePoint Online 72% Active SharePoint users SHAREPOINT Training & Comms O365 hub
Drive TeamsSites O365 hub follow Training & Comms O365 hub TRAINING,COMMS & SUPPORT 500k comms sent 800+ Digital Champions 600+ Training sessions delivered 708 Remedy tickets resolved since Sept ,000 s received into the O365 support mailbox
about history timelineteamsfollow Training & Comms O365 hub 927,257 hits to the O365 hub Over 35,000 unique visitors Call, Chat, Collaborate, Meet O365 hub