SDMX experiences in the magyar nemzeti bank Béla Brinzik | MNB Statistics Dept. Global SDMX Conference | 2019 SDMX experiences in the magyar nemzeti bank
agenda SDMX data exchange SDMX implementation Experiences, future plans
SDMX data exchange at THE MNB Fulfill the international reporting requirements
SDMX implementAtion IN THE MNB Statistical processing system : MSCASIR framework Separate modules for Balance of Payments (FMR), Monetary Statistics (MON), Securities (EPSJ), Flow of Funds (PSZLA) common metadata management data validation, processing, reporting, publication based on OLAP cubes Supported SDMX formats: SDMX - EDI: GESMES module SDMX – ML: only data message, Balance of Payments FMR, Flow of funds (PSZLA) modules
International reporting requirements SDMX implementAtion IN THE MNB - SDMX REPORTING in the statistical information system Code lists Processing Publication Centralized Business register (START-REG) (MNB’s, SDMX, GESMES code lists) MsCasir Framework Securities (EPSJ) Monetary (MON) Balance of payments (FMR) Corporate balance sheets for Flow of funds (PSZLA- VMR) International stat. encoding (Gesmes) Flow of funds (PSZLA) International reporting requirements SDMX Registries SDMX reporting functions: Mapping Report defintion Report generation
SDMX implementAtion IN THE MNB - SDMX reportING pROCESS OLAP cubes with MNB’s codes SDMX report generation Analyses (XLSX pivot) XML coding Report submitting Mapping definitions Report definitions Parameters of report generation Definition Report generation
Experiences, FUTURE PLANS Initial investment in the development of new functionality Expertise – involving domain experts, courses Maintenance – few changes in metadata -> stable quality, but our process is not automated Future plans Implementing integrity rules Improve WEB dissemination – extractions into SDMX- ML format