Ganesh Chaturthi - 2015 Although celebrated all across India, Ganesh Chaturthi (or Vinayak Chaturthi, as it's also known) is a really important festival especially in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh in the Deccan and South India. Ganesh festival is about bringing home brilliantly crafted idols of the God, and there he will sit in state till Ganesh Chaturthi on September 17, when he is devotedly immersed in water.
Ganesh Chaturthi in Maharastra India Ganesh Chaturthi (or Vinayak Chaturthi, as it's also known) is a really important festival especially in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh in the Deccan and South India. A festival dedicated to Lord Ganesha, Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated across much of India. Ganesh festival itself, sweets - especially laddoos and sugary modaks, which are a favourite of the God's -- are distributed (and consumed) and Ganesh temples are crowded with devotees who participate in the worship of the deity.
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