While you are waiting, please: Welcome to BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT While you are waiting, please: Write a letter to your child Brittany Johnson August 28, 2019
About Mrs. Johnson I am excited to be your child’s teacher! Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Liberty University 5th year teaching in Loudoun County Public Schools My husband also teaches in Loudoun County Puppy named Zoey
My Family
Communication Email: Brittany.Johnson@lcps.org Call the school: 703-957-4425 Weekly Update via email
Conferences I will send out a Sign-Up Genius for conferences Conferences will begin mid/late October
Language Arts Word Study Daily 5 Read Aloud Shared Reading Students practice new vocabulary, spelling, and linking known words to new words Daily 5 Students work independently or in small groups and choose from five activities to complete : Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Work with Words, Work on Writing Read Aloud Teacher is reading text to students Shared Reading Teacher and students are reading together Guided Reading Teacher assists and instructs as students read Independent Reading Student reads without assistance while maintaining understanding
Math Patterns Money Fractions Geometry Time Graphs and Charts Problem Solving Measurement Addition Subtraction Place Value Probability and Statistics *Dreambox *Reflex Math
Science Investigations Weather Seasons Matter Magnets Habitats Life Cycles
Social Studies Map and Globe Skills Communities/Citizenship Native Americans Famous Americans Economics
Phoenix: Legacy Home Page Grading 4 – Exceeds Standard The student has not only mastered the required skill/ content, but has also displayed the ability to analyze and evaluate content or use the content to create an original idea and /or product 3 – Meets Standard The student has mastery of the skill/ content taught 2 – Progressing toward Standard The student has mastered some of the required skill/ content, but has not yet mastered all the required skill/ content. The student recalls the skill inconsistently 1 – Below Standard Student has not yet learned the required content or mastered the required skill. The student needs significant teacher support, responses are limited and/or incomplete. Phoenix: Legacy Home Page
Classroom Management Positive reinforcement and accountability Individual, table group, and whole group incentives Students can earn tickets for positive behavior in the classroom .
Classroom Management Positive reinforcement and accountability Individual, table group, and whole group incentives .
Classroom Management 4- Student went above and beyond what is expected! 3- Great behavior! Followed rules and expectations 2- Needed a few reminders about following rules 1- Behavior needs improvement. Needed many reminders about following rules
Schedule Monday: P.E. 11:00-11:30 Tuesday: Music 11:00-11:30 Guidance 10:30-11:00** and SEARCH 12:45-1:30* Wednesday: Library 10:30-11:00 and P.E. 11:00-11:30 Thursday: Art 10:30-11:20 Friday: Music 10:30-11:00 and P.E. 11:00-11:30 *A Weeks ** B Weeks
Homework 30 minutes max each night Homework will be copied in agenda daily Read for 10 minutes Word Study – activities Monday-Thursday Math homework will be given as needed for extra practice
Agenda and Take Home Folder Green folder and agenda go home Mon-Thurs Empty folder and return both to school Put important papers and money in green folder Homework written in agenda Thursday Folders will go home weekly
Lunch and Snack Lunch at 12:05-12:35 Daily (feel free to join your child) “Working” snack Mid morning Water bottles encouraged (plastic) Fruits, vegetables, cheese Nothing requiring a utensil (too messy) No peanuts or tree nuts please!
Volunteering Room Parent(s) Spelling small group helper Junior Achievement Program in spring
Odds and Ends Book Orders Recess Star Student Wishlist (On PTO website. Other items on easel) Scholastic News Toys Money One to the World Dismissal Changes PTO
Field Trips Smithsonian National History Museum Charlotte’s Web play More information to come!
Thank you for coming!