Fig. 3. Molecular changes in the root elongation region of developing mandibular first molars of nuclear factor I-C (Nfic) knockout mice at 10 days old.


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Fig. 3. Molecular changes in the root elongation region of developing mandibular first molars of nuclear factor I-C (Nfic) knockout mice at 10 days old (P10). (A-D) In wild type (WT) mice, cytokeratin 14 (CK14) was localized limitedly in Hertwig's epithelial root sheath (HERS) cells. Laminin and Smo were localized in cell membrane of HERS. In contrast, Gli1 was abundantly localized in the odontoblasts, pulp cells, and HERS cells. (E-H) In mutant (MT) mice, CK14 was diffusely localized in HERS cells. Laminin and Smo were downregulated in the inner layer of HERS. Localization of Gli1 was disappeared in dental papilla cells near the inner layer of HERS. The black arrows indicate HERS and the asterisks indicate cells devoid of Gli1 expression. Ab, alveolar bone; Od, odontoblasts; P, pulp. Scale bar=80 µm. Fig. 3. Molecular changes in the root elongation region of developing mandibular first molars of nuclear factor I-C (Nfic) knockout mice at 10 days old (P10). (A-D) In wild type (WT) mice, cytokeratin 14 (CK14) was localized limitedly in Hertwig's epithelial root sheath (HERS) cells. Laminin and Smo were localized in cell membrane of HERS. In contrast, Gli1 was abundantly localized . . . Anat Cell Biol. 2015 Sep;48(3):188-194.