COMMON FUND 2019 Ensuring we can live out one mission, many places
What is the Common Fund? The Common Fund is the common pot of money paid into by congregations across the Diocese. It is used to provide, train and support clergy. To further the work of the Church in every parish. To provide important support services for parishes: such as safeguarding, finance, HR and communications The Common Fund is renaming of the diocesan general fund Launched in September 2019 with new calculation for Indicative Offers to support Parish Offers
Why do we give in this way? We do not receive any funding from the government. We are a net contributor to the National Church. We must raise everything we spend ourselves.
“All the believers were together and had everything in common “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions and gave to everyone in need.“ Acts 2:44
Where does our income come from? A large percentage comes from the contributions parish’s generously make to the Common Fund. A slide showing 2019 Forecast and 2020 Budget Income will follow after Synod on 12 Oct 19
How is your money spent?
AVERAGE PARISH COSTS 2019 These are based on 2019 budgeted figures On average parishes are asked to contribute £73,000 – some will pay more and some will pay less [Parishes such as our own that are unable to cover the costs of ministry and diocesan support costs have their Indicative Offer capped at 50% of income]
£ 40,839 MINISTRY COST - 2019 26,725 2,539 6,922 4,653 Stipends National Insurance 2,539 The Clergy stipend applies across the board and stands at £26,725 p.a. from April 2019 The parsonage upkeep covers quinquennial surveys and annual upkeep costs and is an across the board allocation of costs Pension 6,922 Parsonage upkeep 4,653 £ 40,839 TOTAL
How does it work? We use a common formula to calculate a fair and reasonable amount a parish can contribute to the Common Fund. It’s called an Indicative Offer.
How does it work? This system was reached after a long period of consultation and passed by Synod in July 2019 [If available, include a slide of individual calculation] For those interested there are guidelines of how this is calculated on the diocesan website
Thank you Your generosity enables us to grow Giving in this way it means we: • have a stable platform from which to grow, • can support those parishes who are in need, and • maintain a Christian presence in every community.
Thank you Your generosity enables us to grow Giving in this way it means we: • have a stable platform from which to grow, • can support those parishes who are in need, and • maintain a Christian presence in every community.
Bishop James “The ‘Common Fund’ helps us recognise we are connected to one another no matter what our setting or financial situation. This connection brings with it a shared concern and responsibility for one another.”
Please pray Lord, you have entrusted us with the fullness of all that you have given and empowered us with the presence of your Holy Spirit: grant to us joy in our stewardship, generosity in our giving, trust in your promises, and confidence in Christ when our deeds are judged; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. From ‘Giving in Grace’