Why do you need to be on time? 41% of employers have fired an employee for being late. Being on time is essential to your success.
What if I am late to first period? If you are less than 10 minutes late you need to go straight to class If you are more than 10 minutes late you need to check in at the attendance office window
What if I am tardy to class? After 5 tardies, a lunch detention will be issued. Every 3 tardies thereafter will result in lunch detention, ISS or other disciplinary actions. Chronic tardy behavior will be referred to the office. This is a shift from last year. We don’t want a line of kids going out the front door two minutes after the bell rings. We’d rather have them in class for instruction than waiting in the hall. If they are more than 10 minutes late they should check in. If someone come to class more than 10 mins late and without a note teachers can send them to the attendance office.
What if I am Absent? Absences will only be “Excused” for: Illness - a doctor’s note is given to the attendance office Medical appointments – verified by doctor’s note Court appearance Funeral of a family member Family circumstances consistent with district/school policy We won’t all get a note from the President of the United States if we miss school, but there are some things that you should do: If a student is absent they should have a parent call the school and let us know why. Absences will only be “Excused” under the following circumstances: 1. Illness - a doctor’s note is given to the school noting the days you were absent and why 2. Medical appointments – Verified by doctor’s note. 3. The absence is due to a court appearance 4. The absence is due to a funeral of a family member 5. Family circumstances such as a wedding or family emergency 6. Family activity or travel consistent with district/school policy (Educational Leave)
Need Homework? Three is the magic number. We will collect your homework if you miss three or more days of school. Just call the attendance office to make the request. If you miss one or two days of school you can check with your teachers individually while you are out, or just talk to them when you get back.
How do I check out? A parent needs to come in to the attendance office and sign you out of school. Students are not allowed to check out of school unless a parent comes into the building and signs the logbook. You cannot “meet your mom in the parking lot” if you are going to a doctor’s appointment, she will need to come in the school to check you out. You should also remember that your parents determine who will be able to check you out by listing names on your emergency contact list. If someone who is not on the list comes in they will not be allowed to check you out. Parents can call the attendance office with questions.
How do I check in? Bring a note to the attendance office. If you need to leave during the day, but decide to return to school (ex. Doctor or dentist appt) you will need to check in when you return. Your parent does not need to come to the attendance office to check you in – unless they want to. If you bring a note from the doctor the attendance office will excuse your absence.
You can be truant for: leaving school without permission coming to school but not attending class obtaining permission to go to a certain place but not reporting there coming to school and not checking in
If you are truant expect disciplinary consequences from administration
If you miss 10 days or more of school you may end up in Truancy Court. Be Advised Students who are habitually absent from school will be invited to bring their parents and speak to an asst principal. Please remember that while your parents can NOTIFY the school about your absences they cannot EXCUSE all of them. Utah State attendance laws state that only a Doctor can EXCUSE absences when you are sick. Parents can EXCUSE absences for a funeral, a family emergency, or a court appearance. Speaking of court appearances, if working with the asst principal does not help resolve attendance concerns, students will be referred to truancy court. If you are referred to court you will need to go with your parents and explain to the judge why you are missing so much school. ☹ If you miss 10 days or more of school you may end up in Truancy Court.
∞ Infinite Reasons Middle School is Great
Greater Variety at Lunch