By-catch work at ICES Lara Salvany,


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Presentation transcript:

By-catch work at ICES Lara Salvany, Professional Officer, Environment advice ICES Hello and welcome. WKBEPRESS , which takes place as two workshops, today and later next year, covers ground very familiar to you all - the need to produce viable pressure indicators which will ultimately used to assess good environmental status under descriptor 6 (seabed integrity), and descriptor 1 (seabed habitats). Recent EU funded project have made advances in the cataloguing  of human activities and their associated pressures on the benthic environment.  What WKBEDPRESS aims to do is build on your work, and that of others, by identifying the physical disturbance data flows, by region and subdivision, that are required to service the requirements of the ultimate GES Decision

Short introduction to: ICES bycatch work at ICES Future work

ICES Advisory Process

ICES work on bycatch Expert Groups WGBYC: Bycatch of Protected Species JWGBIRD: SeaBird Ecology WGMME: Marine mammal ecology WGEF: Elasmobranch Fishes WGCATCH: Commercial catches Advice regarding the impact of fisheries on the ecosystem Annual advice on Bycatch of protected and potentially vulnerable marine vertebrates Fisheries overviews and ecosystem overviews

1. Working Group on Bycatch of Protected Species (WGBYC) Co-Chairs: Sara Königson, Kelly Macleod WGBYC collates and assesses information on bycatch monitoring and assessment for protected species, including mammals, birds, turtles, and rare fish. ICES issues a data call (from 2017) on from monitoring/sampling effort, fishing effort and bycatch incidents in protected species.   Annual advice to EC on bycatch of protected species (PETS)

Bycatch work at ICES- ways forward ICES intends increasing the quantitative nature of ICES advice on bycatch in the near future and include these in the fisheries overviews. Continue develop and improve the ICES data call on bycatch Improve fishing effort data Cooperation with other WG (WGCATCH)

ICES Working Group on Marine Mammal Ecology (WGMME) Chair: Anders Galatius, Anita Gilles Report on seal and cetacean population abundance, population/stock structure, management frameworks (including indicators and targets for MSFD assessments), and anthropogenic threats to individual health and population status..... Focus on bycatch ​​​

Joint OSPAR/HELCOM/ICES Working Group on Seabirds Report 2018: Progress on assessing bycatch mortality of marine birds in the NE Atlantic and Baltic as part of the preparation for the joint OSPAR-HELCOM workshop for incidental bycatch Seabird bycatch is currently a candidate indicator under OSPAR and a core indicator under HELCOM, but these indicators are not yet operational, largely due to lack of comprehensive data on seabird bycatch in both the NE Atlantic and Baltic Sea.