01 02 03 04 Revisit Strengths GALLUP REPORT COLLATED LINK (2506-1159) Staff PD 24 June 2019 03 04
Refer to Personal Report Access your Strengths Refer to Personal Report CliftonStrengths website -> [Email/Password] Shared folder May 2018 https://www.gallupstrengthscenter.com/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uFsve16zpUvytZ5xB1elsh7sw1gKHZa2?usp=sharing
2. Verify name (surname, name) and Rank strengths Update by 240619 @ 1159 2. Verify name (surname, name) and Rank strengths https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qhaIP6A438w-ZmCNvgt7Cgh0CxYradzb2ll0AmKKqOU/edit#gid=567814886
Staff Learning Day 26 Jun Source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/destinations/south-america/peru/inca-grass-rope-bridge Grand Ballroom Aster Room
01 02 03 04 Revisit Strengths Student Outcomes EXCEL FEST GP Preparing our students GALLUP REPORT COLLATED LINK (2506-1159) 03 04
Individual Reflect | 2 min Summary Pupil Outcomes THINKERS LEADERS CONTRIBUTORS Individual Reflect | 2 min Summary What knowledge, skills, values, attitudes do students need to develop as Thinkers, Leaders, Contributors? Why are these KSVA important? Success Factors?
BLGPS Staff Outcomes - local GOVERNMENT, PARENTS, EMPLOYERS, SOCIETY S1:Skilled & Engaged Workforce (MOE ) S2: Singaporeans who Become the Best They Can Be (MOE) S3: A Cohesive Nation (MOE) STUDENT PERSPECTIVES (MOE) C1: Opportunities for All C2: Holistic Education C3: Quality Educational Experience C4: Lifelong Passion for Learning SCHOOL VMM VISION: THE GARDEN WHERE DIVERSITY BLOSSOMS MISSION: TOGETHER WE NURTURE FOR A BETTER FUTURE MOTTO: STRIVE FOR PERFECTION SCHOOL OUTCOME FUTURE READY WITH STRONG FUNDAMENTALS – THINKER LEADER CONTRIBUTOR One who has strong foundation in knowledge & skills, values & attitude ; empowered to embrace future learning, has the will to pursue passion & ready to contribute; THINKER Reflective & Innovative LEADER Confident & Responsible CONTRIBUTOR Passionate & Empathetic OUTCOME OBJECTIVES INTERNAL PROCESSES ST1 : Quality development of all-round students SO 1 Develop thinking dispositions through an integrated and progressive curriculum SO2 Foster engaged learning to equip students with knowledge, skills and 21st CC using Active Learning Process SO3: Equip students with values and skills to lead oneself towards the achievement of total well-being. SO4: Develop strengths and interests for empowerment of self and others using 3E approach. SO5: Cultivate attitudes and skills to contribute towards the improvement of the community through environment education THEME: LAYING A STRONG FOUNDATION THEME: A STRENGTH IN EVERY CHILD PEOPLE & ORGANISATION ST2 : Quality delivery by competent and committed staff ST3: Quality resource management SO 6 Develop reflective and competent practitioners for professional excellence. Human capital Organisation capital SO9: Use data effectively for school improvement Information capital Resource capital SO7: Develop a community of committed staff through inculcating a GROW ALL culture SO8: Develop a high performing leadership team SO10: Strengthen strategic partnerships to support school key directions SCHOOL VALUES COOPERATION A* ATTITUDE RESPECT FOR ALL EFFORT LEADING TO SUCCESS
01 02 03 04 Revisit Strengths Student Outcomes EXCEL FEST GP Preparing our students GALLUP REPORT COLLATED LINK (2506-1159) 03 04 Context
Drivers of Change 5 6 Assessment Curriculum TLC FA Reviews Assessment 1 Drivers of Change Curriculum Reviews 2 3 Assessment Post PSLE Review MOE INitatives Pedagogy - How - 4 SLS | STP | Active Learning 2018 T4 Knowledge/Skills assessed 5 Student Outcomes Education Landscape 6 WPS Holistic Assessment #COS Learn for life Full Subject Based Banding