Whenever I stand up and say PEACE BEGINS PART 1 Peace begins Whenever I stand up and say Where ever I am
Now I’m where I am so I can PART 2 Now I’m where I am so I can Bring the peace that’s needed here and… (x3) Be the peace I am.
PART 3 Here I am In Peace I stand
Now I’m where I am so I can 1 Peace begins Whenever I stand up and say Peace begins Where ever I am 2 Now I’m where I am so I can Bring the peace that’s needed here and… (x3) Be the peace I am. 3 Here I am In Peace I stand
Now I’m where I am so I can Bring the peace that’s needed (All together) Now I’m where I am so I can Bring the peace that’s needed here and… (x3) Be the peace I am. Words and Music: Mark Olmstead Words and Music © 2017 Mark Olmstead Used by Permission Only