Male Organ Problems: Can Exercising Reverse Member Dysfunction?


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Problems: Can Exercising Reverse Member Dysfunction?

Member dysfunction (MD), is a typical male organ problem for men, and it can affect men in many different ways. MD is the inability to achieve or maintain a hard-on. A host of things can cause it. The root can be physical, such as issues with low androgen levels, heart disease, or obesity. Psychological issues like depression, performance anxiety, or sensual trauma can cause a temporary or permanent hard-on hiatus. Even emotional issues like relationship problems can cause a man’s love dart to be bullseye adverse. There are many ways to treat and even reverse the condition. Little blue tablets, pumps, and other modalities are popular, but researchers have found that getting physical in the gym could lead to getting very physical in the bedroom. Get ready to increase member sensitivity by pumping the member up.

Get Daily Cardio It’s no surprise that heart-healthy cardio is a must for men to restore member function. A study printed in The American Journal of Cardiology shows that aerobic exercise may help improve MD. That should get the heart pumping! MD is most commonly caused by complications with blood flow to the member. Diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, and vascular disease can negatively impact blood flow, leading up to an MD diagnosis for many men at some point in their lives. When a man adds aerobic exercise to his daily regimen, not only is he adding years to his life, but he is also boosting blood flow, adding powerful hard-ons back into his intimate life.

While at least 30 minutes each day is recommended, start with three to four days each week. Do something enjoyable like hiking, biking, or swimming to ease into the habit, and then increase the number of exercise days and even minutes spent exercising, when it feels right.

Kick up the Kegels It’s a well-known exercise for women, but it’s just as good for men, too. A study by the University of the West in the United Kingdom discovered that pelvic exercises helped 40 percent of men who experience dysfunction of the member regain the same function they enjoyed before their male organ problem started. Another 33.5 percent saw improvements in member function. The pelvic floor exercise they used? The Kegel. The mighty Kegel promotes sensual health and urinary continence in addition to giving men a member boost. The Kegel strengthens many areas, but especially the bulbocavernosus muscle. This is the muscle that helps the member engorge for the hard- on. It also thrusts during seed release and helps empty the urethra after peeing.

Find the muscles needed for performing the Kegel exercise by stopping mid-stream when urinating. Once successful, remember the muscles because these are the ones a man needs to strengthen. Perform a rep of Kegels by squeezing those muscles, holding for five seconds, and then relaxing. Repeat 10 times and perform twice each day, eventually working up to 20 reps, 3 times each day. Kegels can be performed in any position, so feel free to get creative. Most men find that starting in a lying position at first helps them learn the muscles. Focus more on form than reps since isolating the proper muscles is so important for strength.

Enhance Results to Reverse This Male Organ Problem In addition to exercise, a man can also use a daily oil to put a little more oomph into his Johnson. Try a male organ health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to boost blood flow and reinvigorate the member. With unique ingredients like L-arginine and vitamin C, this special oil gets blood pumping to a man’s sensual center. It’s a great way to hit MD from all angles.Man 1 Man Oil