Table 6. Twisting moment of counter shaft at different torques T (N-mm) Mt1(N-mm) Mt2(N-mm) Mt3(N-mm) Mt4(N-mm) 11953.691 2462.502 5704.172 -9394.81 263.4951 119620.51 -9686.15 368.2814 119704.22 -9576.41 328.8112 120717.94 -9694.51 371.2882 12253.39 -9677.78 365.2709 Atul B. Meshram et al. Estimation of Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of a Shaft Supported by more than Three Bearings. Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration, 2014, Vol. 2, No. 1, 11-24. doi:10.12691/jmdv-2-1-2 © The Author(s) 2014. Published by Science and Education Publishing.