WSD Local Control Accountability Plan Board Update Good evening Board of Trustees, Dr. Paik, executive staff and audience members. I am honored to share with you this evening a final update to our LCAP progress for this year. I represent many people who have worked together to support our district. I want to say thank you to the district strategic team made up of classified and certificated employees, parents and our students. I also want to acknowledge Sandy Poteet for collaborating with me to write the plan. As always, I appreciate Myrlene Pierre for her outstanding leadership and support. May 9, 2019
Vision and Mission Vision: Building tomorrow’s leaders today. Mission Statement: Prepare all students to be responsible, resilient, resourceful, and productive world citizens in a changing and diverse society. Here is our promise to the WSD learning community. In everything we do, we align our goals and action to our vision of building tomorrow’s leaders. 2
Local Control Accountability Plan LCAP Template Changes Stakeholder Engagement Recommendations Next Steps Tonight we are going to review this year’s changes to the LCAP. It may surprise to know that the author’s of the plan developed a template that was four pages long. They envisioned that a districts completed plan would be about 10 pages long. After seven year, and lots of stakeholder input, the average district plan is closer to 200 pages! Not surprisingly, there are changes to plan for next year already under consideration. We will also quickly review our own stakeholder engagement process and finally the recommendations that were incorporated into the revised LCAP for next year. The current plan is if for 2017-2020. So this is the last year of the three year plan. 3
LCAP Template Changes 2018-19 LCAP Template 2019-20 LCAP Template 4 The first update removed the Increased and Improved services narrative from the beginning of the plan and was moved to a separate section a the end of the plan. This section describes the actions being taken by the district to support socio-economically disadvantaged students, English learners and foster youth. This is an important section to highlight because this was the purpose of the supplemental funding that is provided to districts.
LCAP Template Changes Removed API Reference Changed: CELDT to ELPAC 5 The next update was language to update the LCAP from the No Child Left Behind Language of API – Academic Performance Index to new ESSA language in the state priorities section. Also, the old CELDT references were replaces with the new English Learner Proficiciency Assessment for CA (ELPAC) which aligns to the new state standards. 5
Budget Overview for Parents LCAP Template Changes 2018-19 LCAP Template Budget Overview for Parents 6 The next two changes explain why the LCAP keeps getting longer! A new section has been created to provide budget clarity for parents and the community. This information is taken directly from the LCAP budget information to create a Parent Budget Overview. As usual, WSD was ahead of the state because our business department had been creating a similia chart for our stakeholders already. The Board was able to see the breakdown of our LCAP funds at the LCAP study session this year. In addition to this easy to read chart, the district must also respond to two conditional questions: If the budgeted amount is less than the allocation to the district If the budgeted amount exceeds the allocation to the district
LCAP Template Changes New section: CA System of Supports 7 And finally, one more new accountability section of the LCAP that requires the district to identify its goals and actions for the district and schools that are identified for CSI. The Board has received information about the new System of Supports this year. The overarching goal of California’s system of support is: To help local educational agencies (LEAs) and their schools meet the needs of each student they serve, with a focus on building local capacity to sustain improvement and to effectively address disparities in opportunities and outcomes. The criteria for meeting this is to have a student group performing at a red level on two or more of the state indicators. WSD has been identified for differentiated assistance based upon the performance levels for foster youth and students with disabilities. The focus state indicators are School Climate and Student Engagement. We are working with OCDE to strengthen our supports for these areas and student groups. (SWD: red in Math and Suspension and Foster: Absenteeism and Suspension) All districts are eligible for level 1 support under this system. Level 2, which is differentiated assistance, is targeted supports to meet specific needs. Level 3 is intensive intervention for persistent performance issues over time 7
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Roadmap The WSD Roadmap is a pictorial representation of the stakeholder engagement process. This process is reviewed annually for continual improvement. Based upon the results from the LCAP district survey, participation increased significantly this year. 8
Stakeholder Recommendations When the stakeholder engagement process is complete, the district strategic team reviews the results and creates recommendations for the executive board to review. Feedback is given to the team regarding the status of each recommendation. 9
Implications for LCAP Update Refinement of language Major changes - new action items School safety Facilities Disaster preparedness Student behavior management Promote specialty programs Market WSD as destination district Connect middle school electives to college and career readiness Communication systems to engage parents and families Separate physical education (PE) from visual and performing arts (VAPA) Deepen Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) The LCAP 2019-20 revisions are reflected in the WSD Executive Summary document that has been provided to you. You will see that language has been updated to reflect on-going actions for next year. In addition, new actions were added to reflect the desire to highlight school safety, communication to our community, visible connections at the middle schools to college and career readiness opportunities and increase focus for the visual and performing arts and social emotional learning. 10
Next Steps Finalize Executive Summary Complete the District LCAP for 2019 - 2020 Revise with OCDE input Finalize budget information June 6: Public Hearing on the LCAP June 13: Final Approval: LCAP and Budget Our next steps are to dot the “I”s and cross the “t”s on our final documents. We received feedback from OCDE with a few minor updates to the narrative. The budget information is being finalized and will be completed in the LCAP. The final executive summary and LCAP will be posted before the June 6th Public hearing. 11
Questions/Comments “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.“ - Franklin D. Roosevelt Thank you all for your support during the WSD LCAP process. 12