Tues. – Review Life Cycle of Plant, begin Parts of a Plant. Get 5 points! Take out folder, notebook, pencil box, and agenda. Put away backpack. SILENCE WHEN THE BELL GOES! Copy the agenda for Sept. 5 to Sept. 9- Mon. – Labor Day Tues. – Review Life Cycle of Plant, begin Parts of a Plant. Wed. – Finish Parts of a Plant Thurs. – Review Life Cycle and Parts of a Plant Fri. – TEST on Life Cycle and Parts of a Plant
Making Observations Use your next observation page. Date: 9/6/16 Qualitative observations: Make 3 observations with words. Quantitative observations: Make 3 observations with numbers (counting or measuring with tape in CM!). Diagram: Draw your plant as it appears today. Life cycle stage: Look at your notes. Which stage do you think it is in? Plant growth
Practicing the Life Cycle Have your notebook open to your notes about the Life Cycle of a Plant. On your half sheet of paper, write one question for each part of the plant’s life cycle. Also, write the answer! If you have time, write a second question. Get in a group of 3 people. Take turns asking each other your questions, keep an informal score of how each person does. Provide the answer if a person doesn’t know it.
Stump the Expert! Whoever is “The Expert” will sit on the green stool. People can use their notebooks and/or list of questions to ask questions about a plant’s life cycle. Whoever “stumps the expert” (by asking something they don’t know the answer to) gets to come up next. This is a friendly game! Be supportive, not too competitive!