Wrap Up and Review Current Weather Climate Change Attribution Climate Change and the Future Review for Exam Exam II on Friday!!
In Tacoma before the arrival of President Harrison in May, 1891. A rectangular piece of coal in a wagon is on display in the middle of Pacific Avenue In Tacoma before the arrival of President Harrison in May, 1891.
The Keeling Curve Figure 10.29
2014 Global Carbon Emissions Figure 10.30
Relative Radiative Forcing Figure 10.32
Climate Models and Forecasts The GCMs are used to assess past climatic trends and forecast future climate changes. The most sophisticated models couple atmosphere and ocean submodels and are known as Atmosphere–Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs). Scientists can use GCMs to determine the relative effects of various climate forcing on temperature.
Effects of Natural and Anthropogenic Forcing Figure 10.33
AOGCM Scenarios for Surface Warming Figure 10.34a
AOGCM Scenarios for Surface Warming Figure 10.34
Sea-Level Projections Figure 10.35
Sea-Level Projections Figure 10.36
IPCC Projections Figure 10.37
IPCC Projections Figure 10.37
Individual Actions to Reduce CO2 What are some individual actions we can take to reduce CO2 emissions?
Individual Actions to Reduce CO2 Figure 10.38