Streaming Discussion Nigel Davis 20190906
Core Overall purpose Architecture Discuss various cases Interactions To achieve client “eventual consistency” with the network ongoing Use some material from the TAPI document to highlight context etc. Architecture Highlight expected responsibilities Use diagrams from TAPI document and the model (next two slides) Discuss various cases Consider diagram from TAPI document Interactions Basic Grammar Approaches and implications
Core Model work Work in both Control Model and Interaction Model Add a log to the control model Base this on the storage model Use a generalized store with decoration to make it a log and with relevant parameters Identify topics Show the log in the context of the ControlPort Model parameters for key log strategies Simple bounded log: Time bounded, size bounded Long history log with periodic baselines Compacted log: Simple, with tombstones and compaction Develop symbol set Show the log being fed from an ExposureContext Show a Topic based port on ExposureContext? Represent application Specific applications Align/notify Get snapshot Show both client and provider engagement and responsibility Describe interactions and pattern Specific interactions From start Get next From point Specific chunk Develop sequence diagrams for applications using interactions E.g., sequence is for align/notify for compacted log of alarms Show client and provider interactions
Core model
TAPI Document overview and discussion including: Model Interactions Use Cases Operations Demonstration of compaction