“Promoting the interests of Dispensing Doctors and the excellence of doctor dispensing for the benefit of patients”
Agenda Reimbursement Remuneration Contractual issues Pharmacy contract Brexit
The Board Jeff Lee New board members
Reimbursement Unfinished business Met NHS England – too difficult pile Right prescription for the patient, the NHS and the practice Remove perverse incentives Working with PSNC and GPC 3
Reimbursement Pharmacy reimbursement went out to consultation 2 references to dispensing doctors Says will impact DDs No impact assessment We have discussed with GPC
Reimbursement Cat A from list price to wholesaler price Cat M similar plus remove margin on branded generics Part VIII more in part A Part VIII B get three quotes Part IX more in tariff Differential generic and branded claw back
Reimbursement Will effect all doctors Potential increase workload re branded generics Devil in detail which we are not allowed to be involved with
Dispensing fee 2019 Still on the same formulae -20p No inflationary increase Staff numbers defined Worried that does not reflect increasing workload No change due to increased workload re supply and FMD
EPS It is continuing to be rolled out Secretary of State wants to go paperless Cost is an issue DDA working with NHS Digital/NHS England No need to switch on until available for all your patients despite change to contract PSUK have a part solution Looking to pilot EPS4 6
EPS Workload, should decrease if properly implemented, but if not will increase Risk re loss of scripts issues 111 Pharmacy 2 U App Greenlife and ECHO NHS App can change pharmacy but not if a dispensing patient
FMD Was to be implemented by February 2019 likely 2020 sometime Plans still vague Could have large workload implications 70 suppliers signed up to provide IT and kit Do not buy anything yet Part of GP IT
PCN Size VAT New staff Employment terms
CQC New inspection Focused safety Controlled drugs ? Electronic Cold chain Signing scripts SOPs Uncollected medication
DSQS Timing re payment No part payment Audit needs to be clinical New timetable for submissions Need to sign up for this year Some have been clawed back
Shortages Ongoing No solution Prices very fluid this month BREXIT Mims have an online tool
Brexit Generic substitution Change in amounts Class substitution Prescribe & dispense as normal
Change to pharmacy contract More clinical services Removal MURs Less money for dispensing Hub and spoke
“Promoting the interests of Dispensing Doctors and the excellence of doctor dispensing for the benefit of patients”