National Agency for Vocational Education and Training
NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Statute Functions of the NAVET List of Professions for Vocational Education and Training State Educational Standards Data for Licensed CVT and CIVG National and International Projects
NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Statute The National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAVET) is a specialised body to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria established under the Vocational Education and Training Act (VETA) in 1999. NAVET is a legal entity financed by the State budget with headquarters in Sofia. NAVET is a state authority for the licensing of activities in the vocational education and training system as well as for the coordination of institutions related to vocational guidance, education and training
NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Functions Issues and revokes licenses for vocational training and vocational guidance Supervises the activities and assesses the quality of training in licensed institutions in the system of vocational training Specifies the indicators used to provide annual information from licensed centres for work done during the previous calendar year Provides methodological support to the vocational training centres performing validation of professional knowledge, skills and competences in the vocational education and training system
NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Functions Develops and presents to the Minister of Education and Science for approval: the List of Professions for Vocational Education and Training (LPVET) the State Educational Standards for acquiring professional qualification participates in the elaboration of the Ordinance on the types of professional training documents for persons over 16 years of age and the conditions and order of their keeping, storage and issue participates in the elaboration of the Ordinance for the organisation and conducting of a compulsory state exam for acquiring professional qualification in the theory and practice of the profession
NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Functions Creates and maintains a register of the vocational training centres and the centres for information and vocational guidance, as well as of the issued and revoked licenses Creates and maintains a register of certificates issued by vocational training centres Develops and approves forms and templates of documents for licensing Contributes to the international recognition of the documents for vocational education and training
NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Functions Makes proposals for improving the system of vocational education and training based on analysis of the activities of the vocational training centres and the centres for information and vocational guidance Assigns the carrying out and implementation of research in the field of vocational education, training and guidance Coordinates the activities in relation to devising strategies for developing and improving the vocational education and training
The Tripartite Principle in NAVET NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING The Tripartite Principle in NAVET Representatives of the Ministries (3) Equal representation in the Management Board and in the Expert Commissions in professional fields of: Representatives of the Employers (3) Representatives of the Employees (3)
Structure Management Board Chairperson Expert Commissions NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Structure Management Board Expert Commissions Chairperson Vice Chairperson Executive Secretary Specialised Administration Vocational Qualification and Licensing Directorate General Administration Administrative, Legal and Financial Services Directorate
Expert Commissions in professional fields NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Expert Commissions in professional fields Earth and yield sciences and mineral resources dressing Mechanical engineering, metal working and metallurgical engineering Electrical engineering and power engineering Information and communication technologies, electronics and automation Chemical products, technologies and environmental studies Motor vehicles, ships and aircrafts and transportation services Architecture and construction Production of textile and textile goods, leather and wood Food and beverages production Farming, forestry and fish husbandry and veterinary medicine Hotel and restaurant management, catering, travelling, tourism and leisure activities Business management and administration Arts Healthcare and sport Social services, personality services, property and personality protection Public safety and security Vocational guidance
List of Professions for Vocational Education and Training NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING List of Professions for Vocational Education and Training Structural Elements Professional Area Professional Area Professional Direction Professional Direction Professional Direction Profession Profession Profession Profession Profession Specialty: → ………………. Specialty: → ………………. Specialty: → ……………….
Number of Professions and Specialties in the LPVET NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Number of Professions and Specialties in the LPVET Professional Areas 47 Professions 244 Specialties: First Qualification Level 59 Second Qualification Level 175 Third Qualification Level 281 Forth Qualification Level 73 Total Number of Specialties 588
The role of SES for acquiring vocational qualification NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING The role of SES for acquiring vocational qualification Definition of the PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES Guarantied QUALITY of the educations Guarantied TRANSPARENCY of the qualifications Regulated ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Guarantied COMPATIBILITY with the LABOUR MARKET Guarantied COMPATIBILITY of certificates
State Educational Standards for Vocational Qualification NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING State Educational Standards for Vocational Qualification Entry characteristics Professional profile Units of learning outcomes Requirements to the necessary equipment Requirements to the trainers (educators)
NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Distribution of licensed Centers of Vocational Training as of 31.07.2018 on the country territory 4 4 38 6 13 11 33 20 11 9 19 74 10 12 453 13 9 31 23 79 40 22 8 15 14 26 15 5
Trainings by source of funding NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Trainings by source of funding In 2017, the largest number of trainings was funded by the learners themselves. The "other sources" column summarizes the number of trained people funded by different employment programs and measures.
Percentage distribution of CVT documents issued in 2017 NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Percentage distribution of CVT documents issued in 2017 In 2015, NAVET has upgraded its IS and its website so that all VTC were able to scan and publish the issued professional qualification documents and to be further included in a public register.
NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Distribution of licensed Centers for Information and Vocational Guidance as of 31.07.2018 on the country territory 1 1 4 3 22 3 5 2 1 1
Number of licensed CIVGs in the respective year NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Number of licensed CIVGs in the respective year
Activities of Centers for Information and Vocational Guidance (CIVG) NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Activities of Centers for Information and Vocational Guidance (CIVG) Number of persons served by CIVG in groups 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Students 145 247 93 144 227 Employed 38 301 201 383 512 Unemployed 1 078 4 364 6 081 2 786 2 601 Total 1 248 4 933 6 461 3 427 3 430 The average age of CIVG clients for 2017 is 31 years. A customer has used an average of 1.44 services.
Services provided by CIVG in 2017 NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Services provided by CIVG in 2017 The total number of services provided by CIPO in 2017 is 4,940. The average price of the service in CIPO is 113 leva.
National Projects - Current NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING National Projects - Current Increasing the work efficiency of the employees of the Professional Qualification and Licensing Directorate at NAVET by upgrading the specialised knowledge, skills and competencies July 2018 – July 2019г. Project aims: Improvement of the specialised knowledge, skills and competencies of the employees of the Professional Qualification and Licensing Directorate Strengthen the professional expertise of the Directorate by improving the specialised knowledge, skills and competencies of the employees Ensuring continuity through specialised training for the transfer of experience and best practices related to the work of the Directorate
National Projects - Completed NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING National Projects - Completed Improving the quality of adult vocational training services provided by Centers for Vocational Training 2013 – 2014 A guide for employees, directors, methodologists and members of the training and methodological council of CVT Handbook for trainers – lecturers, instructors and mentors in VET Analysis of the current state of the managerial and pedagogical capacity of the teams in the Centers for Vocational Training A new opportunity for my future 2013 – 2014 Handbook for the validation of professional qualifications acquired through non- formal and informal learning – official website
International Projects - Current NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING International Projects - Current Improving the quality and effectiveness of adult training – exploring European experience and innovative practices for Lifelong Learning 2018 – 2019 ReferNet Network 2016 – 2019 Technical support for the implementation of the Bulgarian national qualification framework in VET – CINOP Career guidance for young refugees– escaping NEET status with good counselling towards training and employment –RefuNEET 2016 – 2018 eCF Alliance 2015 – 2018
International Projects – Forthcoming NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING International Projects – Forthcoming International project “on TRACK“ Tracking Learning and Career Paths of VET graduates, to improve quality of VET provision Erasmus +, Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices 1.11.2018 – 31.10.2020 International project „ECOFAR“ Development of managerial and entrepreneurial skills of young eco-farmers via joint VET curricula, enhanced qualification profile, assessment standard and sustainable cooperation synergies „ECOFAR“ Erasmus +, Key Action 3: Support for Policy Reform 1.10.2018 – 30.09.2020
Useful links State Educational Standards (SES): NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Useful links State Educational Standards (SES): Vocational education and training providers: Vocational Training Centres secondary schools and private vocational colleges Register of certificates of vocational qualification issued from Vocational Training Centres issued from secondary schools
Thank you for your attention! NATIONAL AGENCY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Thank you for your attention! е-mail: napoo@navet.governmе +359 2 971 20 70